Trident leaves upside-down

crab apple

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N/W Florida
What in the world would make my trident maple act this way, the leaves are turning upside-down. Yeah, its in potting soil but it wasn't been for too long cuz it's just a seeding, I bought a dozen or so off ebay last summer at various times to make a group planting next spring and this is the only one acting out. The sun beats the crap out of my japanese maples, I'm gonna quit trying to even mess with those but so far tridents have done well in my environment. Itrident upsidedown.jpgtrident 2 upsidedown.jpg have a few that are probable 5 years old that are doing fine and all the other seedling I got last summer are doing fine. I did give them a little shade when it was good and hot but now thats it's cooler they're all in full sun.
Well...the only thing that comes to mind is that age old saying...

Leaves turn upside when it's to rain. Has it been really humid and raining there?

My maple here is doing it. We had tornado warnings so trees were sheltering in the greenhouse if not mistaken.
It's dry as can be, not a hint of rain in the 10 day forecast
Then that is peculiar. No rain previously then either? As mine keep their leaves turned for awhile after a good rain.

Dry as can be. Makes me then too. I've got nothing. Peculiar for sure.
I have one that does something like that as well, I’m waiting to see if it ‘out grows’ that tendency.
I do remember reading somewhere on this site that certain tridents will do that, and the poster said he ‘tossed’ those. (I believe it was described as drooping leaves vs upside down)
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