Trees I displayed at the ABAS Spring Show last weekend.


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Rescue, CA
Oregon Oak, Quercus garryana, started with a 5 gallon landscape nursery tree five year ago.

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Shimpaku. This is a tanuki I made a few years ago. I attached a kishu shimpaku to a piece of deadwood from a Utah Juniper a few years ago.

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California Buckeye, Aesculus californica. I collected this ten years ago and its a monster! Weighs ovr 200 pounds and getting it to the show was work. The base is over 12 inches across.

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Good work! I love the oak, reminds me of the big old oaks where I grew up. Thanks for posting!
Nice tree's, the second accent 'plant' is cool man. The last tree I don't understand, must be me.
I really like the oak! Regarding the buckeye, curious to see what the trunk/branch structure underneath looks like. Any chance you have a winter photo of that?

I really like the oak! Regarding the buckeye, curious to see what the trunk/branch structure underneath looks like. Any chance you have a winter photo of that?

The buckeye has a long way to go in branch development, was just the trunk when I collected it so all of the branches were regrown and are still pencil size. I like it for the massive ,gnarly trunk.

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WOW - Hella trunk! Makes me miss having a larger property a bit. That Oak is impressive container grown as well! I have been working with Junipers for a few years now, getting my hands dirty and figuring out their mystery's - Itoigawa, Kishu, and Shimpaku junipers are becoming some of my favorite plants and your Kishu is indeed nicely done! Thank you for sharing!

Being an Ohio gal...the Buckeye impressed me...big fella indeed. :cool: Nicely done tanuki as the movement in that dead wood and the canopy of the shimpaku well done...allowing that deadwood still show off. And the oak...hard to believe only 5 yeas in training.
What a huge monster man! :D It can eat small children perhaps :p
The buckeye has a long way to go in branch development, was just the trunk when I collected it so all of the branches were regrown and are still pencil size. I like it for the massive ,gnarly trunk.

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I remember the tree from when I lived in California. It had beautiful flowers and the trunks were very much like the one you hve as well. Has yours ever bloomed?
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