Too late to repot juniper/pine in SE?

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Ive been pretty slammed this past month and have neglected a couple of conifers I would have otherwise liked to report this year. Mainly a big juniper that I "slip potted" last year into a big Terra Cotta planter with nursery soil packed around it. Also have a smaller juniper and a yard pine I'd like to get into better soil.

Is it too late to repot in the southeast USA? Temps have been staying in the Farenheit 70s-80s in the day, 50s and 60s at night. We are also due in for some soaking rain at the end of the week, which I've heard can be good to ease repotting stress on the plant.
Temperature sounds fine to repot but how advance are the candles? If they hasn't extended much then that should be fine. Is this related to the other thread about the weak pine? If so I think it is perfect timing as the root tips started to move.
Temperature sounds fine to repot but how advance are the candles? If they hasn't extended much then that should be fine. Is this related to the other thread about the weak pine? If so I think it is perfect timing as the root tips started to move.

Mainly thinking about a couple of junipers. However I might be open to repotting that pine, it's candles have extended to about 1.5 inches or so, the bigger ones may be around 2".
I found a few youngish shimpaku whips yesterday that I wired out a few years ago and promptly forgot about... they're getting a repot today. I've repotted JBP with 2-4" long extended candles in the past and they survived... not ideal by a long shot. The candles actually seemed to wilt for a week before perking up again. I'm not sure how close I came to losing the tree, but won't do it again.

... and pictures are always helpful to assist in giving advice.
In the sequence of what gets repotted, when, junipers are usually allowed to wake up and grow a little before repotting. This puts them almost a month or more behind the ideal time to repot maples and other deciduous. So you might not be too far off ideal time. In the Chicago area, it is still a bit early to start repotting junipers.

In addition more so than most trees, shimpaku junipers are pretty tolerant at being repotted at less than ideal times. Anytime in the growing season I have repotted junipers, if I was not doing radical root pruning. If I'm doing serious root pruning, I do try to hit the spring window of time. I have had good luck repotting a few weeks before the autumnal equinox. August. But my summers are relatively cool and not as brutal as the southern half of the country. If you are in the ''hills'' of Tennessee, you might be okay with late summer repot, but if you are in the lowlands, say Memphis, it might not work out the same for you.
Anytime in the growing season I have repotted junipers, if I was not doing radical root pruning. If I'm doing serious root pruning, I do try to hit the spring window of time.

@cheap_walmart_art As Leo said, it's all about the roots. The more radically you mess with the roots, the more important it is to hit the best window. I am a little nervous about your description of the juniper that was slip-potted... it sounds like it may be a pretty big project, and stressful to the tree, if you undertake that in late spring. However you may reduce your risk if you untangle the roots without pruning them too much, and remove the old soil without washing the root-ball, and have a sheltered spot where it can recover where you can maintain high humidity or mist the foliage.

Here in the SW, it is very risky to repot this late in the season, because our brutally hot and dry weather is just around the corner. Maybe sooner, maybe later, and you never really know, but if Santa Ana winds start blowing within a month after repotting a juniper, I move to protect the tree until they subside (normally in three or four days).
If you are in the ''hills'' of Tennessee, you might be okay with late summer repot, but if you are in the lowlands, say Memphis, it might not work out the same for you.

I'm smack in the middle, on the west half of the plateau so temps run a little cooler than Nashville and especially Memphis, but I don't deal with mountain weather.

and pictures are always helpful to assist in giving advice

Ask and ye shall receive!



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It looks like your junipers have begun growing, myself, I would go ahead and repot now. And I would do what ever root work needed to be done, drastic root work would probably still be okay. I'd say it's time. Close enough to ideal time.

anyone else have an opinion? @Dav4 @Bonsai Nut
It looks like your junipers have begun growing, myself, I would go ahead and repot now. And I would do what ever root work needed to be done, drastic root work would probably still be okay. I'd say it's time. Close enough to ideal time.

anyone else have an opinion? @Dav4 @Bonsai Nut
It looks strong/healthy... thumbs up on the re-pot.
.....zoo & brew????? ...with BBQ!!!!! My goodness, not something I think I could see around here....dismantled, sauce stained hipsters trying to free all the animals... 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

Honestly, sounds like a pretty interesting event.....just watch out for the Gorillas....sometimes they'll hurl a "poohgrenade" your way!!!💩
.....zoo & brew????? ...with BBQ!!!!! My goodness, not something I think I could see around here....dismantled, sauce stained hipsters trying to free all the animals... 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
Honestly, sounds like a pretty interesting event.....just watch out for the Gorillas....sometimes they'll hurl a "poohgrenade" your way!!!💩
My wife is a zoo vet and swears a gorilla’s 💩 fastball has more velocity and accuracy then most major league pitchers could ever hope for😬
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