Tons of blooms on shigishashira first season air layer


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Canton, Georgia
This is the first spring for this air layer. And I noticed so many blooms yet the mother tree has none. Just thought that was strange. Here is a pic of the layer and then mother. Anyone else experience this?
This may not apply to your tree, but a heavy flowering happens frequently with highly stressed trees.
a heavy flowering happens frequently with highly stressed trees.

That's true.

But I'm not sure this is the only explanation for Acer palmatum, which is not a fruit tree.

I have a big one, the only one in the ground, and a bit like apricots, it flowers abundantly every two years or so. This year, I can't see any flowers yet, though they usually appear before the leaves.

On other maples, there are flowers.

So : ?...

acerp-peaches_220329a.jpg acerp-emerald_220329a.jpg acerp-ryusen_220329b.jpg
@AlainK is right. Flowering of Acer palmatum is not always stress related.

I have both varieties of Shishigashira. My O Jishi and all of the air layer I have taken from it flowers heavily no matter what. The 4 parent plants are 6 and 12 year old trees, very comfortable and stable where they are, zero stress. Some of the air layers are 3-4 years old now. My Meijishi flowers less but still flowers.

On this theme, my Arakawa and Kiyo Hime also flower every year.
That's true.

But I'm not sure this is the only explanation for Acer palmatum, which is not a fruit tree.
A fruit is a seed. Maples produce seed. There is not difference except to the pallet.
@AlainK is right. Flowering of Acer palmatum is not always stress related.
I never said the tree was stressed. I only said that trees frequently produce extra seeds in relation to stress.
However, the OP says the tree is stressed.
My Shigishashira always flowers heavily and its on its 3rd year since repotting. Grows great for me. Must be happy. My European Beech flowered last year as well and had Beech nuts by fall.
JM flower on mature branch tips. You air layered off the mother tree's mature branch tips. This is why your air layer is flowering and the mother tree is not. It will take a couple of years for the mother tree to produce the branching for it to start flowering again.

I see this all the time when I air layer JM's.
JM flower on mature branch tips. You air layered off the mother tree's mature branch tips. This is why your air layer is flowering and the mother tree is not. It will take a couple of years for the mother tree to produce the branching for it to start flowering again.

Can you clarify? Aren't the tips of any branch the youngest part of the tree, and what's left behind inevitably older (i.e. more mature) than what was removed?

You're using very confusing language to describe whatever it is that you have in mind.
JM flower on mature branch tips. You air layered off the mother tree's mature branch tips. This is why your air layer is flowering and the mother tree is not. It will take a couple of years for the mother tree to produce the branching for it to start flowering again.

I see this all the time when I air layer JM's.
@RKMcGinnis Trees flower on mature branches or on the tips of mature branches. When you air layered those branches off your 'Shishigashira' you took those mature branches that are capable of producing flowers. The mother tree now doesn't have the mature branches to produce flowers.

If you have fruit trees it's easier to relate this to. Apples, cherries, pears etc..... bear flowers off of spurs. Spurs are only produced on mature branches or tips of mature branches, typically 1-2yrs old. If you cut those mature branches off you will not get the flowers to produce the fruit. That's why it's important that one doesn't go buck wild pruning everything off fruit trees. If you do it will take a couple of years for the fruit tree to produce new shoots that later become mature branches to set the spurs.

Same goes for your 'Shishigashira' it will need to produce new shoots. These shoots will later become mature branches that will be capable of producing flowers. If your mother tree still has branches those will eventually mature to produce flowers.
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