To cut the the ficus or not, that is the question


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I am growing a budget bonsai as I am new to the grand realm of miniature trees. The branch in the photo shows where a previous lead branch, as I believe it to be called, was cut and diverged into two. I personally believe the transition to be jarring and kinda ugly but don't know if there is anything to be done. Would whittling it down or otherwise removing material help the transition, would cutting the entire thing off just before the transition point be best, or would letting it grow and solve itself be best? I know this may come down to personal preference to an extent but would like to seek the opinions of the more experienced, thank you.277682277683
I dont think it looks that bad honestly.
If you let the extending branch grow, it should thicken that area until it matches the wider "trunk" area better.

If you cut it, the trunk wont get any bigger so if you want a thicker trunk, let it grow.

The only real issue about this tree that bothers me is the branches along the main trunk/branch all look like they are sticking straight up.
I would have put some wire on them before they got as big as they are and bent them down to give more spread to the branches along the main one.
Let it grow
Then wire more movement
It’s in a good spot
I dont think it looks that bad honestly.
If you let the extending branch grow, it should thicken that area until it matches the wider "trunk" area better.

If you cut it, the trunk wont get any bigger so if you want a thicker trunk, let it grow.

The only real issue about this tree that bothers me is the branches along the main trunk/branch all look like they are sticking straight up.
I would have put some wire on them before they got as big as they are and bent them down to give more spread to the branches along the main one.
Thank you, I will likely let it grow then as per your advice. Aye, the vertical growth isn't pretty, I have only had the poor thing for a year and wasn't in possession of it when they grew in. I have been experimenting with a leaning, bent, or windswept appearance and what is now vertical was once standing at a better angle. would you advise bidding those branches goodbye or adjusting the stance of the tree to better accommodate the branches? Thank you for your help, it means a lot and may very well save the life of this poor tree ;) .
the nice thing about ficus is they are usually willing to backbud rather easily. You could try cutting a couple of those back down to just above the branch and see if they push new buds at the base of the branch. Then you can wire them as they grow out and shape them better
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