Thinking of staging a comeback

I look in from time to time. Seems there needs to be some things to talk about rather than selfie contests and the such. Any good trees to show here lately?
We could definitely use some more quality tree posts. Mine are only so good, but I’m doing my best Al!

In particular, it would be cool to see some of your trees in that tokanoma you built
welcome back smoke. Hope you are well. the forum would definitely benefit from some more quality tree posts.

I’ve been updating my progressions and they are coming along, some better than others, but still at it.

Hope to see you post some updates!
We could all use some extra Smoke up our asses!

And by that, I mean some more experienced hands to light a fire under our collective butts to keep us going in the right direction.
Well.. my trees have never been "good".. but I'm starting my 3rd growing season and they(as well as myself) get better all the time.

Alas... Nothing is in full-leaf here..

So I gotta fill my time with Selfie-Drawings and such! 😂

But I feel that your ORIGINAL statement.. is said from someone holding a pretty sweet hand.

You ain't gotta stage nutin. Just come back.
All of America is now totally trained to accept people blowing smoke up their asses. Your skills are highly treasured here. :D
Agreed... much "Smoke Praise" takes place in your absence...

I try sending people to your blog, quite often.

I been blowing smoke since you left.

I been blowing smoke since he left.

Funny how one word changes everything!

I hope Commiefornia isn't blowing your tax money on smoke for crackheads!

Still on your side.

Hope you are well.

Welcome back! Now show us those gorgeous trees we have been missing out on 🙂🙂🙂.

we need more bonsai eye candy.
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