The odd species for bonsai thread

I will start off with my crassula Sarcocaulis.

That's fantastic. (Also, I *love* this thread idea.) I know crassula isn't usually regarded as serious bonsai material but I've got more growing than I know what to do with because they are so darn easy to propagate and care for, and they are interesting. Forgetting to water them for weeks is frequently rewarded or at least tolerated. Sarcocaulis has such fine foliage that it works better than most ovatas, etc. Are the sticks for support/positioning?
I’m trying to grow Albizia saman as bonsai, but they’re just seedlings right now. It’s going to be a long time before I find out if it’s a worthwhile endeavor or not. I had one seedling that died last winter. Started 4 new ones from seed this year.
new ninebark.jpg
This ninebark got a blue ribbon in the novice class at state fair. It then promptly died from a root fungus.
Not a great picture, but it's a stephanandra incise. It got pretty well shredded by the judge at the annual exhibition. The one thing that saved me was that he liked the akita netsuke, so I got a '3' for artistic presentation.
Other weirdo's, without pics, include pearlbush, dwarf purple smokebush, and a black pussy willow. And a common lilac.
Not a bonsai, but trying to experiment with some “bonsai-ish” styles on some succulents just for fun (and, more importantly, because my wife likes them). Here’s my succulent version of a cascade 😂

Echeveria sp.

That's pretty nice. As opposed to the pile of echeveria in my office that are etiolated as hell. Wait, I mean... "cascade style" :)
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