The 2023 Yamadori/Collecting Thread

I guess the real question is, how long would you wait before deciding the tree is a goner?
One of the Bald Cypress Uncle @Cajunrider collected on 4/1 didn't show buds until 5 weeks later. I glad it did as I started to think it is a goner. You have nothing to lose to let it sit a bit longer.
I guess the real question is, how long would you wait before deciding the tree is a goner?
July 4th. If there's nothing by then even if it is alive, it probably won't make the winter. You can wait longer if you want, but generally I give up on trees that have no growth or leaves on them by Independence Day.
One of the Bald Cypress Uncle @Cajunrider collected on 4/1 didn't show buds until 5 weeks later. I glad it did as I started to think it is a goner. You have nothing to lose to let it sit a bit longer.
5 weeks is still within the norm. I have had them go 3 months before budding.
5 weeks is still within the norm. I have had them go 3 months before budding.
Here is one documented example
Collected December 09, 2022
Buds seen March 05, 2022
@Gabler I'm on board with @rockm.
June-ish is what I generally look for around here most years, but depending on the sort of weather you've been experiencing you could reasonably wait a little longer.

This year, there's still a chance of me collecting something nice even now, the weather has been that mild. I wouldn't be sure if it made it until August.
Speaking of...

Helped out my dad today cleaning out the ditch. There's a dense stand of American plum invading the ditch box, and I had to pull a couple saplins out of the cracks in the cement. Figured I'd take them home and see what happens.
One single, but the other is a pretty decent clump all one root.
Went to the swamp for some meditation time.
1 large, 2 medium, and 2 small collected from under big BCs. Let me know when you are tired of seeing these posts.

Those BCs are awesome, but I think you failed in your original goal of meditation!
Those BCs are awesome, but I think you failed in your original goal of meditation!
I tried to meditate but it was hard with pictures of fried gator bites, blackened gator with sauce piquant, BBQ gator ribs, coconut curry gator legs dancing in my head.
My recent acquisitions. Taxus is not in soil yet. Just collected yesterday, but watered the roots, and its been cold and grey here.
Junipers: help with the ID?
I think procumbens. Chopped back last spring by home owner, back budded nicely. He told me he transplanted them to their collected location about 10 years ago, so they were surprisingly easy to come out. Potted within the hour with a healthy root ball, into 100% pumice, without disturbing the core roots too much. snug fit into their pots. Black bagged and sitting in the shade with 1-2 hours of late afternoon sun. Foliage has been misted and covered immediately after every other day (if its dry). soil was watered on day 1, but not since (10 days ago).
Taxus: Collected yesterday.
Lots of feeder roots all around the base. Foliage chopped back last week by home owner who planned to toss it in the chipper. He said I could take it. Dug out by landscapers with mini excavator. They knew i wanted it, so they were was careful as a mini excavator can be. I put a clean cut on all the structural roots, as they were pretty mangled. watered and bagged the ball, and its going into a pot in two days with 100% pumice, and baked clay pellets. Currently 40 degrees F, and sitting in the shade. Fingers crossed, wish me luck


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Fun fact: Ribes don't float.
Seriously, I swear to God there's a tree in the rain barrel. I'll show you as soon as I figure out how to get it out.
Maybe I can find a snorkel at the thrift store.🤔
Aaannd it's gone.
I don't whether to blame the dog, the squirrels or what! We have a bluejay couple that are occasionally pretty aggressive about their shit. I can't find it anywhere now.
Whatever happened it's friggin nuts!

Don't think it was the dog this time. He's beat from our hike and been resting since we got home.
Well... "collecting". At work we guarantee our trees and shrubs for up to a year; they just have to bring them back for us (as proof). After that its anyone's game, specifically my game today. A Gleditsia species, probably "Sunburst" variety:20230526_173104.jpg

After washing the roots and chopping through an awful "taproot" left over by the original cutting;20230526_193822.jpg

Final home in 100% pumice in the shade:20230526_195730.jpg

I love honey locust, been eager to have one for a while. I went hard on the roots, because it was free, good practice, and I didn't have a lot of time after work to dink around. Will update if it makes it...
Aaannd it's gone.
View attachment 490388
I don't whether to blame the dog, the squirrels or what! We have a bluejay couple that are occasionally pretty aggressive about their shit. I can't find it anywhere now.
Whatever happened it's friggin nuts!

Don't think it was the dog this time. He's beat from our hike and been resting since we got home.
Found it.😒
Welp, going to collect some boxwood yardadori this morning. Not the best time of year but I got the call and it's now or the scrap heap. Thankfully boxwood are pretty bulletproof so I have hope.
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