Taxus backbud


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Beirut Lebanon
Repoted this taxus last year in bonsai soil and it responded well although a bit late, this year with good elongation. Uet not getting backbudding . Should i leave it to grow to enhance nutrient transport in the branches to generate back budding or should I prune or pinch ?whats the best timing for the action recommended? Screenshot_20210823-161105_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210823-161118_Gallery.jpg
In observing yew anywhere in the landscape, you can see that they do not like sun on the trunk and will grow foilage to avoid it.

I think the problem folks run into with yew, is pruning them too much seeking backbuds, when this lack of energy is what keeps the from being able to shade their own trunk, and they succumb.

Just leave the trunk in sun and it will bud.

I have a few shaded areas in the garden where I wanted to have a few trees abd was told taxus would do well without sun just good light...
Guess I'll place in the sun for couple seasons to get backbudding then style and then keep in sun for few weeks in summer?.or will they do ok in the shade all time after I get the backbudding i need ?
If it is your spring/summer, feed the tree every 2 weeks. During your fall, prune the branches back.
I would do it in stages, dont cut the branches back too harshly in one session.
I dont recall how well they back bud on branches without foliage so would leave needles on those branches, don't prune back past needles. The following spring/summer you should start getting buds on the branches and perhaps even on the trunk.
A yew is an evengreen needle tree which is capable to shoot when there is no green left at the three.
But a saver method is: Pinch back the new shoots of a Yew when they are hardened off. Usely the shoots are around 5-7 cm (here in the North of Europe). When cutting, leave about 6 needles. For promoting backbudding, the trick is to remove all the older needles. Within a month or so the tree will reward you with buds all over the older wood.

Note: (for every action on trees) only do this when the tree is strong and healthy.
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