Tale of two pines


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Got these last year from Julian Adams, worked one at a demo... Cut ahead past a hard winter, and it looks like one fared much better that the other. Both spent winter in garden under pine mulch and snow, looks like the one is growing candles, the other not so much. A goner or just struggling to recover? Any suggestions to help it?
Sick one first, more healthy second...


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The one not extending candles is probably a goner.

But, don’t throw it out just yet. I had a JBP not start growing until July!

Neither look real good. You might try to think of a different overwintering method for next year.
It was my first winter doing bonsai, and I got caught badly unprepared... Maybe a cold frame next year, heated mat? Didn't get how delicate jbp were, either...

It was my first winter doing bonsai, and I got caught badly unprepared... Maybe a cold frame next year, heated mat? Didn't get how delicate jbp were, either...

They are pretty robust trees, supposedly cold hardy down to zone 5 in landscape, but in a pot probably zone 6 or 7. Something else is going on with the trees; from the black coloration at the base of the needles it looks like they have fungus. When you say they spent the winter "under" pine mulch, you mean that you put the pot in a depression in the garden, and mulched around the pot, right? With the tree sticking out of the mulch? Right now neither looks dead to me - they just look like they need a ton of direct sun.
I buried the pots, tried to block from the wind, covered with mulch up to first branch. I did dust them with sulfur last fall, trying to head off fungus.
I'm trying to give them as much sun as I can, appreciate hearing that's not a bad thing, started thinking I might be burning them.
Fungus? I assumed I dried the trees up with the freezing wind. Sulfur again or similar?
Sulfur only works as a preventative. If a pine already has fungus, (even powdery mildew) it needs to be treated with another product.

But I don't think the fungus is what caused the problem. If I had to guess, your pines are suffering from freeze damage and/or were sitting in a saturated condition for too long. Parts of the tree died, and the fungus arrived on the scene after the buds/needles were already dead. I don't know what kind of weather you experienced, but freeze damage is much more likely when there are dramatic swings in temperature, particularly if there is high wind. At what point did you notice the needles browning? They should have stayed green throughout the winter...

Pulling the trees out, giving them fresh air, sun and good drainage, will hopefully allow them to recover. I don't know that treating them with a product will make a difference at this point, but if you want, you could spray them with neem oil, which I use regularly on my black pines. Just don't use the oil if you applied sulfur in the last 30 days.
Dayton had Sub zero weather, but worse than that, we warmed up and got snow again, repeated that cycle a few times. Today is the first time I noted the growth on the one tree, thought they were both stalled - I'm a little relieved that they're not both lost.
Full sun most of the day, lots of trees on our lot, best I can do.
Kind of what I expected.. one has had no change, the this one has rallied. I put neem oil on it, gave as much sun as possible... Lost all the old needles, new seem ok so far.
Kind of what I expected.. one has had no change, the this one has rallied. I put neem oil on it, gave as much sun as possible... Lost all the old needles, new seem ok so far.
Meant to add a picture, couldn't do this morning...
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