Found this beast at a nursery sale for the equivalent of $17 and I just couldn't say no. I'm reasonably sure it's a Brush Cherry, I've seen enough of them. Just about everybody uses them for hedges in South Africa.
The current plan is to leave it be, as we're entering autumn down here in Cape Town. Repot in September and do some root investigation/work, then let it recover. Once that's all behind me, choppy choppy/air layer and continue with layers and base. The diameter at base is about 40cm (17 inches) and it's easily 5 feet high.
I'd appreciate any ideas or suggestions for long term shape and cuts! Thanks all!
The current plan is to leave it be, as we're entering autumn down here in Cape Town. Repot in September and do some root investigation/work, then let it recover. Once that's all behind me, choppy choppy/air layer and continue with layers and base. The diameter at base is about 40cm (17 inches) and it's easily 5 feet high.
I'd appreciate any ideas or suggestions for long term shape and cuts! Thanks all!