The Treedeemer
Dear All,
Later this year I might be headed to Mexico. I thought I might look for some systemic insecticide (and perhaps miticide) for my indoor plants. Every winter they get some pest which is really jard to get rid of with non-professional over the counter stuff available in the EU.
Similarly, I have a pine with fungal infections, for which no products are available to "the public" within the EU. In early spring needles of last year turn yellow and drop, up to 90% of the needles drop off during candle expansion.
Could those of you in the americas that use this kind of stuff make recommendations of active ingredients/brands that I should consider? Mexico will probably have the same brands available as in the USA I suspect..
I have heard of bonide crystals I think as good systemic insecticide? But strictly indoor use, correct?
Later this year I might be headed to Mexico. I thought I might look for some systemic insecticide (and perhaps miticide) for my indoor plants. Every winter they get some pest which is really jard to get rid of with non-professional over the counter stuff available in the EU.
Similarly, I have a pine with fungal infections, for which no products are available to "the public" within the EU. In early spring needles of last year turn yellow and drop, up to 90% of the needles drop off during candle expansion.
Could those of you in the americas that use this kind of stuff make recommendations of active ingredients/brands that I should consider? Mexico will probably have the same brands available as in the USA I suspect..
I have heard of bonide crystals I think as good systemic insecticide? But strictly indoor use, correct?