Suggestion on two elms


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South Central PA
I need some help on these two elms I have. suggestions on style

This one I have had for two years. I just let it grow with no prune. I am thinking I would like to keep it small. Right now it is about 10" tall after the whips are trimmed.

I just got this little one. I know I need to thin it out but would this work as a broom?
I wouldn't try to style them yet, it looks to me like they need another year or more of growth for the trunk to get some weight to it. Have you been cutting the lower branches off? If so, you should leave them next time, as that will feed the lower trunk, so you can get some taper started.

Next spring, I'd probably take the first one pictured, pull it out of the pot and try to straighten the roots out where you can. I'd probably put it in a grow flat, so the roots will go out instead of down. Might as well, if you're going to repot it, then you won't have to deal with it later on. It will slow your growth down some, but elms are fast, so maybe not too much.

And maybe it's just the picture angle, but it looks like your grow boxes are pretty deep? Mine are shallow and wider, the roots have the same room to run, but you get more useable roots that way.
I have not cut any of the bottom branches off. They were removed when purchased.

The boxes are about 5.50" tall and I only fill with dirt about 4". I am happy with that depth as it works with my watering schedule.

I will leave in the pots and not do anything for another year.
Yeah, I thought it might just be the picture that was making them look taller. You do have to do what works for you of course anyway. :)

If they get new growth lower, you should leave it on to fatten the lower trunk. If it were mine, I would consider doing some branch cutting this late winter, so it would have more incentive to give you some lower buds/branches.
I just got this little one. I know I need to thin it out but would this work as a broom?

I think the second elm you have is a 'jacqueline hillier'? If I was you and you had the ability I would choose a leader and let it grow in the ground for a few years. This is what I did with mine 2 years ago and it is thickening up nicely and growing like crazy.
Defect, remember that he is in PA. I don't know his zone, but these elms may or may not be hardy in his area for ground planting...
IM 6B.
I purchased from a bonsai nursery north of me so I would hope they would only bring in plants that would last the winter
You are correct on the name
It says ok to -20degree F on the tag
Correction: it looks to me like they need another 6 years (or more) growth for the trunk to get some weight...:)

Notice that I said a year OR MORE...:)

It all depends on how fast it progresses, and how big the finished bonsai will be, is this not a correct assumption???
IM 6B.
I purchased from a bonsai nursery north of me so I would hope they would only bring in plants that would last the winter
You are correct on the name
It says ok to -20degree F on the tag

Sounds like you'd be good to go if you want to do ground growing, which as long as you care for it as you would in a pot, will yield much faster growth.
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