Styled few olives, input appreciated


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Beirut Lebanon
I styled these olives yesterday, any feedback on style, wiring or how to proceed with them is appreciated.
First one is a dead olive I purchased years back and working on growing a tree from a branch alive in the back side.
Pre styling
Back side

Post styling

Not sure if I should grow the apex from the top of that straight section showing from the back or if I should xhop it lower and grow apex without live trunk showing behind the dead wood ?
Would you grow apex towards right or left side ?
How about the small branch at the base I'm growing as a small daughter tree ? Would u develop it and keep it or just remove?
Got a branch pulled to left side ill be growing but seems a bit low ? Conflicting with the daughter tree?
Second tree had chopped it before abd it regrew but still not getting any other branches than the one on top of the chops. Screenshot_20230630_070357_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20230630_070416_Gallery.jpg
Third olive
Had it since few years and never liked the top. Had broken a branch in a previous woring and it ended it dying which I guess finally let me chop it hard. Would u prune harder to the point of not leaving any foliage on the branches or need to leave some leaves ? I'm fine slchopping it all back to the lower trunk and regrowing if that makes more sense looking at the shape. Screenshot_20230630_070623_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20230630_070659_Gallery.jpg
Tree 3. Currently very tall and skinny. I would certainly chop way down as I know that olives will shoot from any stump and my definition of old olive is short and fat.
Tree 2. Olives are generally very good at new shoots on trunks. I spend more time rubbing unwanted buds off the trunks than I spend pruning olives. Maybe it just needs more time. Trimming the long, vigorous shoots above may also help stimulate some buds lower. Auxins from those vigorous tips may be suppressing any lower buds .
Tree 1. Sorry, not sure where to go with that one so just keep growing it until inspiration or desperation gives you some ideas.
For tree #1 it looks like all the live growth at the top section is from a small, vertical trunk at the back? I'd consider reducing and carving that deadwood at the top. That last top bit (heading left) seems way too heavy. Maybe even creating a channel to inert that live trunk into.
Tree 3. Currently very tall and skinny. I would certainly chop way down as I know that olives will shoot from any stump and my definition of old olive is short and fat.
Tree 2. Olives are generally very good at new shoots on trunks. I spend more time rubbing unwanted buds off the trunks than I spend pruning olives. Maybe it just needs more time. Trimming the long, vigorous shoots above may also help stimulate some buds lower. Auxins from those vigorous tips may be suppressing any lower buds .
Tree 1. Sorry, not sure where to go with that one so just keep growing it until inspiration or desperation gives you some ideas.
Thanks for the suggestions will chop tree three down to base and reduce tree two more.
For tree #1 it looks like all the live growth at the top section is from a small, vertical trunk at the back? I'd consider reducing and carving that deadwood at the top. That last top bit (heading left) seems way too heavy. Maybe even creating a channel to inert that live trunk into.
Yes the main trunk is dead and I'm building a
Tree from a branch growing from base on the back side. My carving skills ain't great so not sure if I'll be able to carve the top left section. Was hoping I can build a larger tree around it so the dead trunk is minimized
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