Strange spots- Prunus Mume


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Coastal S. California
My Mume has some dark spots forming in a few places, what could this be and how can I treat it? I sprayed Bayer 3 in 1 on everything in my collection about a week ago. The day after, there was some strange goo that oozed out of the wound in the second picture. It’s been raining since then on and off since. I have a copper based fungicide I could use.


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Second and last picture look like entry wounds from cicadas. But we don't have those here so I base that judgement on memories of videos and pictures. It would explain an ooze after a treatment, maybe.

However, if the ooze was jelly like and smells like coca cola when you burn it, or if it can be dried to resemble amber resin.. It can - and I hope it isn't - be a sign of pseudomonas syringae infection (from the top of my head, not sure if that's the exact pseudomonas, cherry bacterial canker). Which essentially translates into: All your cherries and apricots will eventually blow their own wood apart and die, there is no known cure for this and the bacteria are persistent colonizers of soil.
My normal treesized cherry tree has it, and branch after branch blow up, while leaking whole fists full of brown gunk. So I'm in the process of trying to look for more resistant varieties.

The first pic is damage from something. It can heal over eventually, but treat it with proper caution.
the ooze was clear with like a black center, i scraped it off weeks ago. i think it washed away in the rain, i wont be able to burn it. ive only had the mume for like a month, it came from evergreen garden works
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