Walter Pall

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south of Munich, Germany

Where: 16W656 S Frontage Rd, Willowbrook, IL 60527, USA
tel.: +1630-655-8263

When: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 from 9:00 am to 5 pm

Who: Walter Pall will make it happen

How much: this is for free - all day

For whom: Everybody is invited, it is an open party

Trees: Besides around 200 well known and established ones about another 200 new trees will be there, most of them collected in the wild, very old, and very interesting. Trees from the Rocky Mountains, like Ponderosa pine, limber pine, lodgepole pine, Rocky Mountain junipers and other rare species. Some killer trees, outright world class, many affordable, from US$ 50 to a couple hundred, lots for under one grand, some, of course much higher. In addition there will be many deciduous trees, like Japanese maples and trident maples. Many American collected deciduous trees are there in affordable price ranges. Also some very nice small pine trees, already bonsai, and junipers will be available. Of course, there are the famous specimen conifers styled by world renown artists.

Altogether it is clearly one of the big places for quality bonsai in the country and an event one should not miss. This may well be the start of a tradition. And you can say 'i was there'.

9 am: People can come in and have a look around. Walter Pall will be there for free advice.
10:00 am to 12:00 am: "Ask the Master " session with Walter Pall. Everybody can ask any question somehow related to bonsai. This will be entertaining and educational.
1:30 pm to 4:30 pm: Demo by Walter Pall. A big Colorado Blue Spruce which is owned by James Baley and styled by Jennifer Price and Walter Pall will go from the training box onto a slab made by Mariusz Folda from Poland. We will have a few slabs available to choose from. It will be shown how to select a slab and why, how to mount the tree, how to care of it. Hopefully we can show what an impact this will make to the appearance of the spruce. This will be educational and entertaining - you bet! There will possibly be a second tree which will also go onto a slab. Some slabs and recently imported very large handmade pots by Mariusz Folda from Poland will be available.

On Thursday, March 28 Walter Pall is available for private sessions. Just send a mail to: walter@walter-pall.de

Attached find pictures of the nursery, the Colorado Blue Spruce and the great slabs by Marius Folda from Ibuki,


Wish I could make it. Have to work. Hidden Gardens is a great place.
The same truck arrive in Harrisburg at nature's Way Nursery this morning dropping off more than 350 trees. Go there toi see for yourself. Still an opening for Woodstock XII this eekend.

Events at Nature‘s Way Nursery with WP in 2019

Some openings still available - sign up now!

Woodstock XII w/ Walter Pall & Jim Doyle

Fri. Mar. 22, 2019, 9:30 AM - Sun, March 24, 2019, 4:00PM

True bonsai immersion for the beginner to the very experienced. Jump right in...300+ newly arrived 20-500 year old Yamadori, domestic trees and bring your own for continual design. Students come from around the country and Canada. Join us each year for these very different workshops. Lunch & drinks included.

$110/day or $260/3 days // observers: $ 50/day

Winter Study w/Walter Pall & Jim Doyle

Fri. Nov. 29, 9:30 AM - Sun, Dec. 1, 2019, 4:00 PM

Never a dull moment... Walter and Jim have been working collectively since 1995. They continue because it is both fun and informative process for them. We offer the opportunity to work on killer material and advanced techniques with a pair of premier teachers. You may bring your own trees for continued study and season-appropriate development. Lunch & drinks included

$85/day or $230/3 days // observers: $ 40/day

Location: Nature's Way Nursery, 1451 Pleasant Hill Rd., Harrisburg PA 17112

Friday 9:30 – 5:00 pm
Saturday 9:30 -5:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 – 4:00 pm

Application: Call Nature's Way (Jim Doyle) for more information and signing up
(717) 545-4555
or natureswaybonsai@gmail.com

Participants: This is for all levels– from outright newbie to master. Yes, all in one seminar and all get something out of it and all have fun. Even accompanying mates who never thought of attending a seminar could have fun. The number can be 20 to 30 or even more folks. One can be fully active participant or observer or passive viewing participant for one, two or three days. This is recommended for undecided newbies and travel company. The status can be changed to active any time- we warn you, most do change the status quickly. If you are not sure whether you want to really do this you are invited to come as 'lurker' for 20 minutes for free and then you decide.

General philosophy: Everyone does what they want to do and how much they want to do. While Jim Doyle and Walter Pall will make it clear what they think should be done it is the participant who decides. The aim is to learn how to approach styling, and learn to see new ways and actually trying them out. New techniques will be taught like e.g. work on deadwood.
But the emphasis is on making design decisions. So many workshops teach wiring and basic techniques. This is taken for granted in this seminar. The emphasis is on what often is not taught: bonsai as art form. It is important to know your place in bonsai which offers many different ways. Learning by doing, learning by case studies is how we reach the aims. On many different trees we discuss and practice art, craft and speak about philosophy. Basic craft like wiring is often avoided to not waste time for things which really make a big difference (while they are important, but there are many workshops to practice these).
In many traditional workshop the teacher makes the decisions for the students who do exactly what he tells them and often the teacher actually does the critical work for the student. So the students never learn how to make decisions. To practice art is to make decisions all the time. The aim of the seminar it to teach how to make the right decisions. Your trees will most of the time not be touched by the teacher in this seminar.

What's going to happen: In the morning the first participants arrive. The nursery crew and Jim and Walter can help to choose trees for the workshop. All trees that the participants brought and the chosen ones from the nurser are carried to the greenhouse.
Usually a session of general interest follows speaking about many different subjects related to bonsai. This will most of the time take place in the yurt.
Then we go to the greenhouse. Walter or Jim start to speak about a tree to the whole class, explain choices and then may actually do a couple of things to the tree to give an example. Then the participants form groups which choose a tree and discuss it for 15 minutes or so. Usually every group has one old timer who knows where to go. Then the speakers of the groups present the trees to the whole class. After some discussions one or more feasible options are decided.
And then this will be actually done. Those who brought a tree can now decide whether they what to do the work immediately or can choose to do nothing with their tree at the moment. Whenever someone is finished the next tree is chosen to study, discuss and work on. The aim is to have many valuable case studies for leaning what usually is not taught at workshops. By presenting each tree to the whole class one learns about a couple dozen trees over the weekend compared with one normal workshops. Much more new experience and knowledge comes from that.
Generally we avoid doing craft work that is time consuming. Not that this work is not important. But we want to spend the time on things which are even more important and not taught usually. If some really want to fully do their tree in the workshop they may – no problem.
Nobody is forced to work in a certain style. While it is well known that Jim and Walter work a lot in the Naturalistic Bonsai Style the actual style is decided by the participant – and often enough by the tree.
Once in a while Jim or Walter will speak about subjects of interest for a while.
An important part of the seminar are the social interconnections during the day and gatherings after work. Many long time friendships were built on these occasions.

Material: All active participants can bring their own trees. This can be very simple material to masterpiece. We speak about every tree in depth. The participant decides what he wants to actually do to the tree then.
In addition the nursery offers a great wealth of material that the participants can discuss and actually work on. These are mostly old to very old collected conifers like limber pine, ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, Engelmann spruce, Colorado blue spruce. Alpine fir, Douglas fir and others as well as some deciduous broadleaved trees like hedge maples, trident maples, European hornbeam, Japanese maples and some others. There usually are 400 or more trees available to choose from. A few dozen are outright world class, many very good, all hand selected by myself. There are over 150 trees in the range from US$ 50 to 600, about 50 from 600 to 1,500. Everybody can find himself a genuine American collected tree. This is the biggest selection of this kind of trees west of the Rockies.
The 'borrowed' material can be purchased at any time, but it does not have to be purchased. The offer is that you actually do serious styling on the material and only afterwards decide whether you want it for yourself or not.
There usually is a special sale during the seminar weekends. The prices are usually reduced for most items which are offered at the nursery.
If someone does not want to participate in the seminar and is only interested in the trees you are welcome to visit the nursery to these special weekends.

Sign up right away!
A few days ago we had this nice workshop int Hidden Gardens south of Chicago. See a few glimpses of what happened.

If you think you should do something like this next time then I have good news. next time is exactly in a year on Monday, April 6, 2020. Call Jeff Schulz for a seat reservation. TSA_5695w.jpgTSA_5697w.jpgTSA_5699w.jpgTSA_5700w.jpgTSA_5702w.jpgTSA_5703w.jpgTSA_5704w.jpgTSA_5705w.jpgTSA_5706w.jpgTSA_5707w.jpg
A week ago at Hidden Gardens, south of Chicago, they had their Spring Opening 2019. Besides some other program we planted the Colorado Blue Spruce of Jim Baley on a slab. The tree was collected By Randy Knight in 205 in Colorado. The tree since then was styled by Walter Pall and Jennifer Price.

Five very large and very good handmade slabs by Mariusz Folda from Ibuki, Poland, were ready. We could choose the one that fit the tree best. A team consisting mainly of Jeff and Mark was led by WP. In the end we were all quite happy. Now the tree will rest and totally left alone for a year. In twelve months it will be edited by Walter Pall and Jennifer Price again. In two years it might be ready for a big exhibit. Anyway, the purpose was to show what a great effect the right slab and the right tree together could have.

Just if you are interested, two of the slabs are still available as well as five handmade large pots by Mariusz Folda. Just contact Jennifer Price: jpricesvihla@me.com

In case you think that you have missed something Here is good news. The date for the Spring Opening 2020 is already set. It is in the Easter week when possibly more folks have time on Tuesday, April 7 all day. The program will be announced later.

Hidden Gardens is located south of Chicago. here are a few pictures to see what the place looked like last week. Al the green trees are new arrivals.

A couple hundred trees recently arrived from far west. These are mostly collected conifers, like Rocky Mountain Junipers, Limber pines, ponderosa pines, lodgepole pines, Colorado blues spruce and others. Hidden gardens took great care to get more affordable trees than usual.

Now there are a lot of trees there from 40 to a couple hundred. Of course, also good to really outstanding trees are always available in numbers. A couple hundred old trees are still in the greenhouse.

Hidden gardens is one of the few places that offers American collected deciduous trees, like American hornbeam and many others.

These are all pots and slabs by Mariusz Folda from Poland., IBUKI. These were at hidden Gardens for the Spring Opmening 2019. Some are still avaialble. 'Write to jennifer Price if you are interested: jpricesvihla@me.com or facebook messenger.

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