Some Flowerhouse Non-natives


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Rawlins, Wyoming
This is a Dwarf Barbados Cherry. It arrived last week after spending 2 weeks in a shipping box. It retained a few leaves and had long spaghetti extensions, some reaching through the shipping peanuts. After 10 days with the best care I can give it looks like this. The extensions have greened up and put out some leaves. What's my next step here? Cut off the extensions? Let them go for a while longer? The potting mix looks like bark. I'm not looking to repot, but when I do is a bark mix good for this plant? After its first couple of days out of the box, this plant has been outdoors in the sun.
Next up: Bougainvillea Pink Pixie. Same arrival conditions as the Dwarf Cherry. This is in a 4 pot, just a little guy. It arrived with no leaves. I saw a hint of green last Friday and this is where we are today. I will clip off old stems when I'm sure they are dead, otherwise not much to do other than care and be patient. When the time comes for a repot, what kind of soil for the Bougie? It's in bark now. This little guy has been spending days out in the sun.


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This is a Dwarf Barbados Cherry. It arrived last week after spending 2 weeks in a shipping box. It retained a few leaves and had long spaghetti extensions, some reaching through the shipping peanuts. After 10 days with the best care I can give it looks like this. The extensions have greened up and put out some leaves. What's my next step here? Cut off the extensions? Let them go for a while longer? The potting mix looks like bark. I'm not looking to repot, but when I do is a bark mix good for this plant? After its first couple of days out of the box, this plant has been outdoors in the sun.
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I would cut back the long straggly parts, they back bud easily. If you let them get too long, you'll end up with leaves only on the tips. I use standard bonsai mix for mine. They like to be kept damp, not soaking wet, but don't let it dry out completely. Wigert's pots them in soil conditioner, which is mostly bark and they do fine, if you don't want to repot.
When the time comes for a repot, what kind of soil for the Bougie? It's in bark now.
I use standard bonsai soil for my bougies too. They will want less water than the cherry. I just got a couple of pink pixies myself.
My big yard willows shed branches in high wind, or in other words pretty much all summer:) This little plant is a rooted cutting from one of those branches, started last year. There are 40 species of willow native to Wyoming, but I don't know what my trees are so I'm putting it here.
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There was a lot of dieback on the original cutting. I am carefully removing some of the dead wood, but I think this guy has compartmentalized the canker that all the local willows, aspens, poplars have. I know we must clean tools and I'm careful about that, but in truth the deer don't gargle between munching on plants.
This is in a 1 gallon pot, will get up-potted when I find something suitable.
My tallest 2 year old Robinia neomexicana put on 3 bloom clusters this year. I was expecting pink-purple, but I'm happy with white. They smell very sweet! I have re-potted most of these seedlings, will wait until the blooms are finished before repotting this one.
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