Small olives for phoenix graft, forest ?


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Beirut Lebanon
Got a dozen wild olive tiny olive saplings to use for phoenix grafts on few dead olive trunks i have and possibly to graft on couple olive trees ....
Got this idea of planting 5-7 of the rose into a large bonsai pot and growing i to a forest as I have the chance to shape my liking and possibly endup with a cool looking forest in 5-10 years. I can for sure get older trees which would save me a lot of time but just interested in having one tree or forest that I grew from sapling. Think its a waste of time and space or do u think I can get something half decent in 5-10 years ?
Olives grow quite quick in the ground but any I have in pots are very slow. A clump or small forest would be good use of these. I would be aiming at small size bonsai so they will look OK even if not so thick in 5-10 years.

Not sure that phoenix grafts with olive will be worth the time. It will likely take many years for the trunks to thicken and fit the dead wood. Much easier for me to go out and dig a thick trunk but if that's not possible maybe phoenix graft would be worthwhile project.
Thanks for the input.
Already have a few big trunks ill be growing these saplings as branches going out of them. Screenshot_20210927-180920_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210927-180900_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210927-180835_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210927-180944_Gallery.jpg
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