Sick Tree


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Dolan Springs AZ - about 3250 ft above
WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG? I received this tree for Christmas. Over the past week it started losing candles. I have been holding off pruning and repotting as it is so early. It is so pot bound I cannot insert a moisture meter to the bottom of the soil. I have had the tree outdoors and brought indoors at night. I have sprayed the foliage and kept gravel moist. I watered it every other day. Have I watered too much. I was getting ready to repot this weekend. Is it too stressful for the tree. I downloaded a care sheet and it says to use coarse sand and and soil. Is this right? I thought the sand would compact. It also says it needs a deep pot (as I was advised on this site for my azalea). What do you recommend for soil and the pot. Photographs of my baby are here. I do not want to lose it. Please help!!IMG_5834.JPGIMG_5836.JPGIMG_5837.JPGIMG_5835.JPG
First of all, what is it? Japanese Black Pine>
Why are you bringing it indoors at night. Trees are outside 24/7 you shouldnt be bringing it inside!
Do not repot now, it is weak and that could kill it

Get a wooden chopstick
or piece of dowel and stick it in the soil and leave it there
Take it out once a day and look at and feel it
Water the tree when the stick is almost dry, do not let it dry out completely
This will help you know when your tree needs to be watered
Do not repot now, it is weak and that could kill it
This is generally true but if it's the roots and soil that's causing the problem then leaving as is is certain death. Repotting is only possible death. I know which one I choose.

It is so pot bound I cannot insert a moisture meter to the bottom of the soil. I have had the tree outdoors and brought indoors at night. I have sprayed the foliage and kept gravel moist. I watered it every other day. Have I watered too much.
First, thanks for supplying a location. I believe Az is dry and that may have some bearing on the problem.
Root bound trees are notoriously difficult to water properly. If there's no spaces in the soil for water then it won't matter how well, how much or how often you water, the pot just can't hold water for the tree through a dry day. Root bound trees occasionally stay too wet for some reason I don't understand and that can lead to overwatering.
The problem is symptoms of both are similar. Until you check the roots you can't tell whether it's underwatering or root rot from too much.
Spraying foliage is no substitute for proper watering IMHO. Probably does more harm than good.

The visible soil particles are very large. Is that just a surface layer or is that the soil it's planted in?

Considering you feel there is a problem with the soil I would probably go ahead with a proper repot (see my first point). If it is as pot bound as indicated it probably won't make it through summer anyway.

Good luck.
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