Sick tree?


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There is something going on with the leaves/branch (or soil/roots). It seems the tree has only 1 branch which has 'sick' leaves (deformed), do I need to take action or is it ok? It's a branch I want to remove, so if I can cut it is even better. I don't see any creatures/insects in the tree.



Here is a pic of the entire tree:

I've cut a few leaves, so that's why they are laying on the ground in the picture.
Gr, Cyp.
These are mites. Some species of mites affect the leaf fringes, and the leaves respond by changing the growth, curling. This creates spaces for the bugs to hide. Remove affected leaves, spray against mites
@Dalmat Looks like it might be a Tea Olive which is not an actual olive. I have one but have not seen it do what yours is doing.
I have had some leaf curl on my tropicals. Treated with fungicide which has them improving.
Can I cut the whole branch?

Btw, why can't I see them?

Doesn't seem to be mites. Usually you'll see webbing at least.

I got some type of real thin yellow scale on my lemon.

Hard to find. Same leaf look.

Is it only one branch?

Doesn't seem to be mites. Usually you'll see webbing at least.
I got some type of real thin yellow scale on my lemon.
Hard to find. Same leaf look.
Is it only one branch?
I found 1 leaf with a web, and I think a tiny dead insect (maybe white spots/stripe on his back, it's very tiny), it's mainly on 1 branch and about 10 leaves in total. It's looks abandoned with only some leaf damage (yellowy/brown spots and dents). I have sprayed for other insects a few weeks ago, so maybe they are already dead.

How bad would it be to just wait, and how bad would it be to cut the branch and all the affected leaves?
I'm. A cut now ask Questions Later type..
Wjjen. It. Comes. To pests.

Doesn't seem to be mites. Usually you'll see webbing at least.
It is NOT s[[ider mites. It is leave edge curl mite.

Do a gooogle images search for (Species) curl mite.

The images in the OP are gone, so not sure which plant it was. These mites are tiny. I did not have a lot of doubt. I am pretty sure about this.
Is this him?


So (we) are cutting it out right?And all the leaves.
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