Sick Ficus


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Hello, I'm new to this forum, but have been casually growing bonsai since around 2001.

I have a ficus (I think it's a benjamina) that I've had probably for at least 14 or 15 years. It began struggling the last 2 years but mainly seemed to do poorly when it was indoors over the winter, and then would perk up when I moved it outside for the summer. This year it has actaully taken a turn for the worse while outside and is rapidly declining. The leaves are splotchy yellow and black and are falling off at an alarming rate. I thought at first it was an insect problem with sooty mold as a symptom, as I also have noticed some spider webs in the branches (as well as on an European olive that is also not doing so great.) However, yesterday I noticed that a Ficus carica planted in my garden (I'm in zone 7) is also getting yellow and black splotches on the leaves, so now I'm wondering if it is instead a fungus problem instead of a pest one (The bonsai is not near the ficus carica, they are across the yard from each other.) I've attached photos of both the bonsai and the fig tree that's planted in the ground. The close-up of the bonsai leaves is from yesterday. The photo which shows the entire tree was from about a week ago before the problem get as bad as it is now.

Initially I sprayed it with just some dishsoap diluted in water as that's helped with minor pest issues in the past (and I've had bad experiences with horticultural oil which makes me nervous to try more heavy duty treatments). Now I think I definitely need more serious care for it. However I'm not sure if I need an insecticide or a fungicide or something else. And should I change the soil while I'm at it to get rid of any contamination or would that just add too much stress to the tree? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!


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It look like you have a spider mite problem. Fumigate with a mitecide and follow up with a systemic insecticide
Is there a specific brand you would recomend for those things? I'm afraid I'm not very knowledgeble when it comes it insecticides/mitecides. Thanks so much for your help.
there is a while thread here discussin mitecides. Look it up, there is a lot of info there
Nice tree..

Welcome to Crazy!

Hi, thanks! I hope I can save it!
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