Sick carmona (fukien tea) having yellow leaf


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Hello everyone, I have a carmona which started to have some yellow leaf since last month. It was one or two yellow leave every other day and I thought like it's normal but they started to get more and more.
The only thing that changed recently was the fertilizer. I couldn't find the same one I'm regularly using so I used a new brand. Also I fed my trees with Calcium and Humic Acid for the first time in last year, suggested by my cousin. After a week or two now it has a lot of yellow leafs and brown markings on the green ones. I don't know what to do. Is there a kind of disease or it might be from the nutrients I fed it?
In case it helps: my other elm and maple tree are doing just fine and I fed them too.
The watering is regular, I water it when it feels dry on surface and it's placed in balcony receiving 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight. I live in Tehran-Iran, it's 28 to 40 C here and humidity is low. I try to spray some water twice or 3 times a day.

I really appreciate any information and instructions, should I place it in shadow or stop fertilizing or change watering pattern? 20210705_095806.jpg20210705_095754.jpg20210705_095738.jpg20210705_095725.jpg20210705_095733.jpg20210705_095702.jpg20210705_095649.jpg20210705_095642.jpg
Did you ever find out what's wrong I'm having the same exact issue
Depending on where you live, and assuming your trees are outside, your Fukien Tea may simply be dropping old leaves in the fall. Yes, they're tropical, but they still follow the pattern of the seasons unless they are indoors under artificial lighting.

Check to see if the leaves that are yellowing are all old growth - ie the ones on the interior. It would be unusual for another cause (fungus or whatever) to only impact the inner leaves while leaving all the outer leaves alone.
What form and how much calcium was applied? pH may have been affected.
I live in north Eastern Pennsylvania it's indoors in a window also I have a grow light to help supplement also, it lost every leaf except 1 and the developed black spots and fell off and the ones I cut incase the ones that stems were left behind the stems of the leaves turned black all the way to where it comes out from the branch. That being said I did the bark scratch test on a couple of places and every place is healthy under the bark, also I dug up a little just to catch a look at its roots and they to are also very healthy so idk what's the issue I didn't add any calcium, or fertilizer since it's been sick and before that I didn't add any because it came with the pellets in the soil already so I though adding more would over do it. I water it when the top soil is getting dry so I don't think it's a watering issue. Please if anyone can offer any help I'd be super grateful, I tried other forums and basically people just talked down to me and told me to just let It die and get a different tree but I refuse to just give up on it.
I've seen them drop all of their leaves and then just start growing again. Be patient, don't overwater or fertilize and no more digging around in the pot. Hopefully it will bounce back. Best of luck with it.
Leaves turning black and needing to be picked off is one of the peculiarities that I hate about FT, they don't have the courtesy to just fall off, they have to punish you, too, and make you look at them. Never treat anything as dead until it's been dead 6 months. Water when dry, don't over-water, don't feed unless actually growing, give best light and air.
I had a close call with my FT tree but stick with it. Have you taken a very sharp scissor or pair of pruners and clipped just a quart inch from the tip of a few branches to be certain they're green inside? Try that and if some are brown and dead wood snip them back until they're green. Don't be surprised if you have some branches that have died. Just take off any dead wood but stick with it as long as the trunk is green underneath.

I thought mine was a goner but it came back and although I'm still in what the plant thinks is summer my FT has still been sprouting green leaves. It may have just stopped sprouting but I lost all the leaves and some branches died due to a sun exposure 'issue' but the plant came back with some TLC. It's a small plant too, not nearly as big as yours so I have a feeling you'll be okay but check the branches and get rid of dead wood.
I had a close call with my FT tree but stick with it. Have you taken a very sharp scissor or pair of pruners and clipped just a quart inch from the tip of a few branches to be certain they're green inside? Try that and if some are brown and dead wood snip them back until they're green. Don't be surprised if you have some branches that have died. Just take off any dead wood but stick with it as long as the trunk is green underneath.

I thought mine was a goner but it came back and although I'm still in what the plant thinks is summer my FT has still been sprouting green leaves. It may have just stopped sprouting but I lost all the leaves and some branches died due to a sun exposure 'issue' but the plant came back with some TLC. It's a small plant too, not nearly as big as yours so I have a feeling you'll be okay but check the branches and get rid of dead wood.
Yeah, and all the branches and the trunk is live it's bright green underneath the bark, everything about the tree is healthy except the leaves getting those spots. Literally all the branches are bare except towards the top 1 single leaf on the entire tree made it. It's still hanging on there.
Growing seasons around the world vary widely and it is difficult to get a perspective on what someone says when we don't know where in the world they are. We need to have your info on every post, or you’ll be asked over and over. If you go to the upper right hand corner and click on your Icon, you can add your location and people will be able to customize advice for you, and you might connect with another local.

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Yeah, and all the branches and the trunk is live it's bright green underneath the bark, everything about the tree is healthy except the leaves getting those spots. Literally all the branches are bare except towards the top 1 single leaf on the entire tree made it. It's still hanging on there.
Ik its not any type of advice or anything, but I am here with you. Same shit happend to me, exactly same shit, my first bonsai. Got it from gf as symbol of love. I have other bonsai growing rn and none of them are as ungrateful as fukien tea is right now. If my plant dies probably yours too.
MAde account here to tell you that i am here with you
I have other bonsai growing rn and none of them are as ungrateful as fukien tea is right now. If my plant dies probably yours too.
MAde account here to tell you that i am here with you
It is a notoriously fickle plant. For years I swore I would never own one again. Then I saw some huge old Fukien Tea bonsai pics from Vietnam, and I decided the problem is with me, not the plant. So I picked one up on the cheap at a Lowes Home Improvement store, stuck it in a pond basket, and put it on my bench. The less attention I pay to it, the better it does :)

It seems to require a difficult combination of high humidity and moist, but not wet, soil. It also seems to be prone to fungus in low light/low air movement environments. But I am by no means an expert since I haven't kept them in a long time.

Ik its not any type of advice or anything, but I am here with you. Same shit happend to me, exactly same shit, my first bonsai. Got it from gf as symbol of love. I have other bonsai growing rn and none of them are as ungrateful as fukien tea is right now. If my plant dies probably yours too.
MAde account here to tell you that i am here with you
Hey just seen this, yeah it didn't make it. Sucks it hung on and was live for months and died. I really liked my tree and cared for it as well as I could. I literally got grow lights read anything I could find, in books or online, I tried everything. I hope yours turned around and everything is well.
Hey just seen this, yeah it didn't make it. Sucks it hung on and was live for months and died. I really liked my tree and cared for it as well as I could. I literally got grow lights read anything I could find, in books or online, I tried everything. I hope yours turned around and everything is well.
Don't give up, try something a little less needy like a ficus.
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