Shout out to a few fans.


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Fresno, CA
I hate to be Mr Whinny pants here but...All I have ever done here is post my own trees, own progressions, own ideas and experiences, really my own. Have never met a teacher, never been to a club meeting, have spoken in person to people who know bonsai maybe a grand total of 6hrs combined. All material from seeds, cuttings, regular nursery or collected myself.

Any acknowledgment of this or offerings of encouragement from smoke over the years ever? Nope.

To be honest Al, you are much quicker to call someone out than like or comment on a progression series. In the grafting debacle post where you questioned my experience I responded with loads of examples but you never said 'I was out of line..' Sometimes people have a shit load of experience but they don't post a lot. Creating an atmosphere where people can share, ask questions or show their work is important too. Sometimes they can surprise you.

I'd like this too - just to see you acknowledge a good progression thread. You're good at pulling folk up but bad at giving them props when they do post actual work on trees.

Smoke i dont believe you ever responded to any of my threads with probably in your eyes not so good material....

I do read your comments and often think they are a tad harsh but als i see the intention you have by posting them.

Just recently i had to think of you and laughed a bit you said somewere we should pay les attention to the internet and more to our tree's and that you know you are taking the hobby serious when you go outside work some tree's with a pruner and a flashlight in hand because its middle of the night and you already put off the shorts

When i had my midnight pruning session i now know what you ment!
So even if your comments arent always "kind words" they do make me realy think about some things even if the comments in arnt about my tree's
thnx for that the way you nag about certain things remind me of my passed away grandpa and my guess just like him hard from the outside but soft on the inside ;)

I had no idea. I had no idea that the thought of having a fan base here was something one should strive for. In reading this I am truly saddened. I had no idea that my "like" was that important. I have belonged to the Eagles Club since 1976. It is a Great Mens club that gives back to the community and the Max Baer Heart fund each year. They have a motto: "If I don't have anything nice to say about an eagle, I will not speak ill of him". Maybe I just didn't have anything nice to say about your project. I respected you enough to not schlock up a good thread with my opinions that, frankly, mean nothing. Its your tree you work it the way you want to. I work mine the way I want to and I get lots of suggestions on what I should do to my trees. Not so much lately but years ago I felt that the forum thought I should just burn them. the spirit of giving back to three of my biggest fans, Defra, Wireme and Paulpash, I offer this exchange.

You three post up your best tree. Get it ready like it's for a show. I will offer you each a tastefully written critique of the trees. It will define its great points and the not so great points. It will be honest and I see it. You each called me out so now the balls in your court.

This guy gets it:
Again, missing the distinction. Society was built by doing, not talking about it. Growing up my friends parents had parrots. One of the them knew what ingredients went into bread. “Flour water yeast and salt is what makes my favourite snack. Squak! Can I have some bread?” The parrot would say. I never did hear about it baking a loaf of bread.

My Dad being inducted into The Eagles Hall of Fame and my baby sisters
Its not ready for a show and still in its early devellopment it is not my best tree but this is what i came up with all by myself
Making desicions based on info i gained found on the barkweb and no help from professionals and the most usefull info was if i recall from the intelligent conversation of the literati a thread you started i think ...
The likes are not that important id rather get a constructive critisism and yes constructive critisisms from veterans like yourself are valued.

And as bonus:
If you want to see more of my work you could take a quick look at my projects almost all my trees are posted as a progression here:

The text is in dutch but there is plenty of pictures.
Just hold on a minute. I've waited months for you to respond in the grafting thread, asked multiple times, but you have sidestepped it. If you admit that you were wrong to suggest I had little grafting experience we can proceed. I'm not jumping to your tune if you can't be bothered to jump to mine.
This thread is exactly what I needed to make a terrible day seem much brighter.
Almost 10,000 posts to 14000+likes
Pretty impressive Al.

I think you gave me a like on a tree ---- that's enough for me.
Dad and son are very alike in appearnce, and son is taller :cool:
Wishing you well .Pax.
Just hold on a minute. I've waited months for you to respond in the grafting thread, asked multiple times, but you have sidestepped it. If you admit that you were wrong to suggest I had little grafting experience we can proceed. I'm not jumping to your tune if you can't be bothered to jump to mine.
Your loss. I’m secure in the fact about what I do to trees. You on the other hand seem to need my validation.

All I got to say is I don’t care.....
Your loss. I’m secure in the fact about what I do to trees. You on the other hand seem to need my validation.

All I got to say is I don’t care.....

I thought you would say that - I don't need your validation - just an acknowledgement you acted like a prick on that post, got called out over it and weren't man enough to say you were wrong. Typical Al Keppler behaviour, ie you always think you're right, even when I posted pic after pic of the technique when you asked me to 'prove it'. Still I suppose it gave @sorce a bit of a chuckle :)
I thought you would say that - I don't need your validation - just an acknowledgement you acted like a prick on that post, got called out over it and weren't man enough to say you were wrong. Typical Al Keppler behaviour, ie you always think you're right, even when I posted pic after pic of the technique when you asked me to 'prove it'. Still I suppose it gave @sorce a bit of a chuckle :)
:eek: Can someone explain how this shit helps us make better bonsai art?
It starts when you start posting pictures of your bonsai art.

Be bold, Be a poster and set an example.

This forum is always open to better bonsai art. Contribute to it and stop whining....
It starts when you start posting pictures of your bonsai art.

Be bold, Be a poster and set an example.

This forum is always open to better bonsai art. Contribute to it and stop whining....

Smoke, if in your sick world asking a legitimate question is whining then I guess Iam guilty. It’s dick heads like you that are going to drive any new blood away from here. I have started many new threads and tried to contribute to the best of my abilities. You might want to do the same. I checked some of your recent posts and it is evident you have some real problems dude.
I went out picking morels yesterday, 40 pound day, decent. Got home at midnight, slept a bit, woke up by a raccoon killing one of my two hens. I’ve never even heard of a raccoon in this town before. She was broody, nearing hatching so kept the eggs warm For the night myself, kinda in armpits. Off to work at 7, lots to do still tonight. I want to reply, post a tree I think.. a bit hard of thinking at the moment I guess. Thanks smoke, I’ll get back.
Smoke, if in your sick world asking a legitimate question is whining then I guess Iam guilty. It’s dick heads like you that are going to drive any new blood away from here. I have started many new threads and tried to contribute to the best of my abilities. You might want to do the same. I checked some of your recent posts and it is evident you have some real problems dude.
How long you been here a couple months, six months? This place is a shadow of its former self. This place is overrun with constant help me threads and frankly newbies that just want to put people down for asking for some quality content. when you get twelve years here and the content that I do here then you can call me a son of a bitch. For right now, I call it the way I see it. Think of it like this, if you got nothing to post here of any substance and I run you off, just what exactly have I lost? What have you lost? I lost a loud mouth that has something to say about nothing, and you lost a forum so full of history that I have contributed over the years that you will never own as many trees as I've posted.

If this is the new blood that we are in for a crash....soon. and BTW, I answered your legitimate question. I suggest you put me on ignore.
I am a new member and have posted few threads where I got some nice feedback from different members.... I also got a shrug-off from one member and was told that meeting me in person was no longer a nice idea... My point: I don't take being ignored or negative criticisms personally... I accept all and any feedback and appreciate the people who gave them coz that's how I learn.... Smoke, thanks for the comments you gave on my previous posts... Have a nice day everyone...
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