I repotted a Blue Atlas Cedar cascade this spring in one of these pots, yet a little taller perhaps. The tree was inherited from my Father in Law.
The tree just wouldn’t come out. I pleaded, thought not so nice thoughts, sang tree songs, and tugged carefully on the wrapped trunk to no avail.
Next I carefully hammered a thin jimmy down the sides of the pot and shot high pressure water into the resulting slots to break up the side pressure. No joy. The darn bonsai and pot seemed to be welded together.
I got out Ye Olde Sledge and contemplated the best way to smash and grab safely for all concerned, tree included.
At this point I got some Devine inspiration from somewhere, likely a faint memory of an underwater excavation project we’d done 30 years ago. So I hooked up the hose to a high pressure jet and wrapped the trunk securely. Then my better half pulled on the pot while I pulled on the trunk and my daughter jammed the water jet in the only drain hole. A group grope for sure. After two tries the tree popped right out of the pot. Surprisingly enough there was minimal root damage....
Tug of War With trees ..... or...... What a wet mess in the cold rain.
Upshot: Don’t like these pots that much, although they do look pretty.
Here’s a not great photo of the miscreant shortly after the repot. I’ll see if there is a new one as my Brother in Law has the tree now.
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