Thanks for the extra photos. They are just what's needed. You can see it has already stimulated another response.
My take from the new photos:
It's a twin trunk tree. In some photos one looks larger and in others the other looks thicker so I assume both trunks are similar thickness. Twin trunk seem to look much better when one trunk is dominant - thicker and taller.
Normally the trunk leaning outward would be both tinner and shorter than the upright trunk. In nature, the second trunk grows outward away from the canopy of the main tree. Because it's the second trunk it is younger and therefore thinner and shorter.
You may be able to influence trunk thickness by allowing one to have more foliage and to grow a bit wild for a year or 2.
Currently the trunk leaning out has lots more branches and leaves. That may be allowing it to get thicker.
If the upright trunk is thicker I'd restrict growth on the other for a few years - more pruning on that side to develop the upright trunk as dominant. Something like this:
Red lines = chop
Brown lines = future branching
View attachment 583220
If the leaning trunk is actually thicker I'd repot so that trunk is the more vertical and prune the other one to make it a but shorter as shown in this virt:
tilt trunk 20deg to the right (if roots allow that)
Red lines = chop
Dotted red line = either chop or bend existing branches outward.
Yellow = future branching
Green = outline of future foliage.
View attachment 583221
Anther thing that seems to jar my senses a little are the trunks that grow through one another. Marked in orange in this virt.
View attachment 583219
In bonsai, simplifying the lines seems to help it look better.
You may be able to find a viewing angle where those branches don't appear so tangled. Otherwise removing some of them may help.
I think you have plenty of options open. You will need to consider things that we can't see properly in the photos like which parts grow forward and which branches are toward the rear. Also which branches are flexible enough to bend and which will not easily bend.
Always check that an online proposal will actually work properly before taking the plunge.