Chinese type -
zone 7, hedging shrub. Bonsai pot probably zone 8/9.
Rests down here from Christmas until mid or end of February.
Might be by light.
Please note Trinidad is a land of clouds. 33.9 deg. C for May/April
by day back to 30 deg.C for rest of year [ half an hour to 10 minutes by day ]
Night - 23.9 deg. C to 21.1 deg. C [ can be 17.8 deg. C by night for 12 hours Christmas to March ]
Full sun
Pot has to have a porous bottom, sides can be glazed
Pot should not be deep [ around 8 cm or less ] but can be wide.
Soil drains well
Repot yearly
Magnet for leaf pruning ants
Solution ------ bait or grow on metal stands [ BRC material in concrete floors]
Fertilise once a week into moist soil 12 N to 6 N
Before heavy pruning fertilise for a month.
Allow to flower once in June [ in China called, June Snow ]
Too much flowering, and no growth.
Not much else, easy shrub to grow [ thus far max height 8 feet /244 cm though
we suspect it grows much taller ]'
Take lots of cuttings for experiments.
Hope this helps,
Good Day
In training-
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