Seperaing seedlings


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20231221_125856.jpgso I bought a little bonsai kit. It it doesn't say anything in the instructions about if more than one tree begins to grow.. I'm worried if I leave them as is they won't have room to grow or their roots will become tangled. Anyone have advice please
I would wait until they have hardened off more. Once the trunk is more like wood I would spectate them but no hurry they will be fine for a while.
It doesn't mater if the roots get tangled. We can just cut the roots or gently pull them apart when we repot them anyway.
It is possible to separate these at this stage but be careful. Easy to damage those tender green stems. Usual advice is as above- wait for the stems to turn slightly brown and harden a bit before repotting.
Seedlings can safely be repotted any time from when they appear above the soil until several years old so timing is not critical.
I would definitely wait until the stems are harder and then wash the soil off to detangle the roots easily.
Biggest thing right now it brightest light and fairly dry soil. Watch out for damping off.
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