Semi Cascade Nana


Nonsense Rascal
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Berwyn, Il
I ain't oughtta done it but I did it anyway.
I had to hide this one from the Sorceress.

No befores.

20160312_133304_HDR.jpg 20160312_133446_HDR.jpg
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I just tied the runners back for the photos.

Why are they called runners (what are they)?
To me it's where the Trunks are growing.

A mad dash to occupy empty space.

I cut the bigger ones off....
These are the next strongest growing branches.

It should be enough to make it through this year.
But I've never done this so early in spring.

$5 of funk!

This is the first time I've witnessed a juniper actually grow!

Not just bits of new green...
But actual strong new growth!

It's put on about a foot at what was left the largest. 6 inches at the next. And about 4 at the other..

@Brian Van Fleet .. Others...
Trouble is...
It's not very vigorous in here where I want to keep the canopy.20160617_174133.jpg

You can kind of make out the inch or so of new growth from the duller green old stuff.
I need to invigorate this area..
Should I cut those runners all the way back to here?
Some of the tips have not grown at all...
And I don't want them to fizzle out.

I have to keep this tight.
Like the above pics.

You do know this isn't procumbens nana right. Its a blue rug. They want to grow flat across the ground. Maybe that's the problem trying to grow an apex. Maybe they have to grow flat.
Either that or it just needs a good pinching.
But there apparently is a difference. You kill procumbens. This lived.

This one hasn't seen winter yet...
Kinda makes me want to give it the M.F.
Treatment like the Sargents....

Talking to you...I just remembered that M.F. stands for YOU!
All day yesterday I thought it was the other M.F.....
Haha...kinda same too!?

Looks OK for Bonsai...
But the electric blue foilage is beautiful!

This one hasn't seen winter yet...
Kinda makes me want to give it the M.F.
Treatment like the Sargents....

Talking to you...I just remembered that M.F. stands for YOU!
All day yesterday I thought it was the other M.F.....
Haha...kinda same too!?

Looks OK for Bonsai...
But the electric blue foilage is beautiful!

I've seen images of beautiful ones. Every time I go to nurseries I look at these in hopes of finding one that has somehow grown more upright. The color of the foliage and it's relative small size compared to other chinese junipers is a very attractive incentive.
And yes. I'm M.F. Emeffer I'm referred to by certain people.
I think I missed this thread somehow....
Cool Rug man!
I have 2 of them, one that is kinda cool imo...
I too like the blue color, and they seem tough as nails to me
Might be one of the best candidates for cascade style.
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