Azaleas look best when they are in full blooms. After flowerings, there are quite a lot of maintenance works to do: removing the flowers, cutting back the growing branches to two shoots and two leaves, redirecting new growths and fertilizing the tree.

I wrote two blogs detailing why we do this maintenance and how to do it.
The following series of photos summarizes how to prune the branches back to two shoots and two leaves. This will force back buddings for ramifications.

Azalea tends to have a whorl of several growing shoots, on each branch the extra shoots are removed leaving a pair of Y-shape shoots with two leaves.

After two to three weeks, new buds popped up at where the two leaves were left and also along the branches.

I wrote two blogs detailing why we do this maintenance and how to do it.

Satsuki Azalea After-Flowering Maintenance
The best part of growing satsuki is when they are in full blooms but they only peak for about two weeks and then begin to decline. When 30-40% of the flowers have faded, it is time to remove all th…

Satsuki Azalea After-Flowering Maintenance, Part 2 – Back Budding Results
In my last post, I discussed the basics of how to prune back azalea to two shoots and two leaves after removing the flowers. In this post, I will show back budding results from those cut-back…
The following series of photos summarizes how to prune the branches back to two shoots and two leaves. This will force back buddings for ramifications.

Azalea tends to have a whorl of several growing shoots, on each branch the extra shoots are removed leaving a pair of Y-shape shoots with two leaves.

After two to three weeks, new buds popped up at where the two leaves were left and also along the branches.