Hi folks, as the title says, yesterday I root-pruned this big Chinese privet. I dug out this big privet in late fall 2016 (friend wanted it gone asap). Potted in a 1 ft x 2 ft plastic tub with drain holes and let it grow unrestricted throughout 2017. The top died back some and I am left with 4 good branches, marked with yellow arrows in the album. The highest branch is the one corresponding to the topmost skinny yellow arrow. The plant had started pushing out new growth, so I thought now would be a good time to root prune. Leaves are looking sparse because we had the most severe winter I have experienced in Atlanta and it looks like this species is facultatively deciduous.
I know that this plant needs extensive cutting away of dead wood and carving, but that comes later. Focusing on getting more branches and a good root pad for now.
Feel free to critique and let me know if I am doing anything wrong or if I should be doing anything ASAP. I have not wired because I assume at some point I will cut back the branches hard. I imagine the front to be this, with the leader marked in yellow, two bottom branches (one may have to go), and a back branch that is not very visible.
Ideally I would like more branches but this species sends out sucker from its base and not many branches higher up.
I know that this plant needs extensive cutting away of dead wood and carving, but that comes later. Focusing on getting more branches and a good root pad for now.
Feel free to critique and let me know if I am doing anything wrong or if I should be doing anything ASAP. I have not wired because I assume at some point I will cut back the branches hard. I imagine the front to be this, with the leader marked in yellow, two bottom branches (one may have to go), and a back branch that is not very visible.
Ideally I would like more branches but this species sends out sucker from its base and not many branches higher up.