Ridgeway Trees at Pacific Bonsai Museum

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Bremerton, WA

The Ridgeway’s… Two paths, one shared story.

Attracted at a young age to Asian arts Eric had an early interest in bonsai. Growing up in Wyoming surrounded by magnificent twisted trees that could be found in the rugged country, his interest was piqued but not given a place to take root until a friend gave him a small juniper for his birthday in 2006. In 2007 he moved to WA to live with his now wife, Victrinia. Bonsai brought them together and has kept them that way ever since. Shortly after coming to Washington he began studying with internationally known bonsai artist and teacher, Daniel Robinson. Bonsai has been a part of Eric's daily life ever since, with each day bringing new challenges and inspirations. Often cited as being "another maverick in the making" he looks to find ways to push the boundaries of his work in unconventional ways.

Victrinia is sometimes embarrassed to admit she fell in love with bonsai because of the movie series The Karate Kid. As a bonsai enthusiast, she started her journey in the summer of 2005. Victrinia quickly connected with her long time teacher, Daniel Robinson. Inspired by naturalistic styles of bonsai, she seeks to create images true to their nature, but also appreciating the aesthetics found in more traditional styles. Her desire to blend these two ideas, sometimes at odds with each other, is the heart of her journey through the art with Eric. Knowing that bonsai is often the prevue of one person in a relationship, she finds their relationship an interesting balance of ideas and inspiration; a dance of compromise and respect as each seeks to be true to their vision.

Eric is the current president of Evergreen Bonsai Club, and has formerly been on the board of the Pacific Northwest Bonsai Club Association. Both teach regularly at their local club and individually, and assist in demos and classes with Daniel Robinson. They have shown their work locally, at the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection’s Best of the Northwest show, and at the US National Bonsai Exhibition in 2010 & 2012.
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Koto Hime Japanese Maple Acer palmatum ‘Koto Hime’

Date of Origin: Approx. 1970 Bonsai Since: Unknown

Acquired from the collection of a local gentleman in 2007. This was the first tree Victrinia gave to Eric when he came to Washington and began his studies with Daniel Robinson. Koto Hime is very slow to grow and develop in bonsai culture, taking years to develop the coveted gray colored bark. This tree, for its rarity and its significance between them, has pride of place in their garden.
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Shimpaku ‘Kishu’ Juniperus chinensis shimpaku kishu

Date of Origin: 2003 Bonsai Since: 2010

Purchased in 2009 from Telperion Farms, this very well formed young juniper is being developed into a very attractive informal upright. The almost deciduous styling of its trunk line is very reminiscent of forms conifers take when great with age.

Mountain Hemlock Tsuga mertensiana

Date of Origin: Approx. 1850 Bonsai Since: 2006

Given to Victrinia as a birthday present by her teacher, Daniel Robinson in 2006, this tree was collected from Vancouver Island in 2005. As someone who has cherished the land where this tree comes from, Victrinia is seeking to honor the soft arching canopies these often ancient and venerable trees can take in the wild. Growing in bogs, these stunted trees defy the odds to grow in tiny fractions each year in their native habitat. A sister tree on higher ground, out of the bog, might grow to great and towering heights just a stone’s throw away. It is not unusual to have these stunted gems be 100 years old for each caliper inch of girth.

Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum Satuski ‘kaho’

Date of Origin: 1960 Bonsai Since: 1960

Acquired in 2007, this imported Japanese tree was experiencing dieback due to neglect. The tree was nurtured and redesigned to give it a more balanced and interesting form. It has also returned to full health. This tree was shown in the 2010 US National Bonsai Exhibition.

Japanese Larch Larix kaempferi

Date of Origin: 1975 Bonsai Since: 1984

Purchased at auction by the Ridgway’s in 2009, they were delighted to find out this tree had been originally styled in a class offered by their teacher, Daniel Robinson, in the mid-80’s. The tree had a pleasing shape even then, but over the last five years has really come into its own as thoughtful development of the final shape have given the tree great beauty from any angle.

Japanese Larch Larix kaempferi

Date of Origin: 1950 Bonsai Since: 1962

Acquired from the collection of Charles Anderson in 2008, this tree has been developed to increase its ramification (branch density) and was repotted to enhance its slanting image. This tree was shown in the 2012 US National Exhibition.

Subalpine Fir Abies lasiocarpa

Date of Origin: Approx. 1900 Bonsai Since: 2007

A collected specimen acquired in 2012 from Dr. Will Hiltz. Dr. Hiltz started the original design, with its refinement and development continuing in our hands.

Coast Redwood Sequoia semporvirens

Date of Origin: Approx. 1900 Bonsai Since: 2010

Purchased in 2010, this tree was a collected stump. The foliage has a very minimal aspect on the tree in order to emphasize the deadwood which has been enhanced by subtle carving techniques to bring out the aspect of great age in so small a tree.

Zinfandel Grape Vitis vinifera

Date of Origin: 1990 Bonsai Since: 2007

A gift from Daniel Robinson, this little grape was collected in California. It had died back to one tiny strip of life, and Victrinia was fascinated by its will to live. Nurtured and developed over the last seven years, the grape’s indiscernible live vein has become a prominent feature against the otherwise dead and hollowed trunk.

Tsukumo Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Tsukumo'

Date of Origin: 1990 Bonsai Since: 2009

Acquired as nursery stock from Tak Yamura in 2009. This fine little tree has all the characteristics of his full sized cousins. It is easy to get lost in your imagination under this tree. It was shown at the 2012 US National Bonsai Exhibition.

Japanese Hornbeam Carpinus japonica

Date of Origin: Unknown Bonsai Since: 2008

Purchased in 2007, this tree was a neglected piece found in a nursery with only one small branch down low on its trunk, the rest of the foliage too high to be of use. The tree was eventually chopped low and that small branch developed into the crown seen now over the last six years. Though the age of the tree is unknown, its bark coloration is suggestive of a tree which was grown in a pot for many years.

Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa

Date of Origin: Approx. 1800 Bonsai Since: 2008

Purchased from auction in 2009, this tree had been given some design by its previous owner. This tree has since been redesigned by Victrinia, then Kathy Shaner earlier this year. Kathy named it ‘Kashirahoma no Tatsumaki’, which was her play on words for ‘Oklahoma Tornado’ in Japanese. The almost violent feeling of the glaze in the pot brings to mind the destructive forces of a tornado, and the undulating trunk almost seems to barely touch the ground. The tree’s foliage was designed to evoke a feeling of the surrounding thunder clouds swirling above a tornado. Progressive tipping of the tree into a more upright position than it naturally had, when repotted the last five years, has allowed the most optimal view of its striking and dramatic trunk.

Amur Maple Acer ginnala

Date of Origin: 1980 Bonsai Since: 1990

Purchased at auction in 2008 from the collection of a Seattle enthusiast, this tree is being further developed. Interesting burrows through the trunk where larger branches had been previously removed had to be excavated, enhancing the hollows and encouraging drainage through the heartwood from rain and watering.
Nice portrait of Eric! Great trees and display too!! :)
Seems YOUR gem IS hiding!

Wonderful work!

Thanks so much for sharing! Wonderful trees! I don't think anything you have ever posted disappoints. I see the J. Larch which is one of my favorites on the site has been repotted. Looks great!
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Nice! There is a recognize able style it seems through all of the trees... Very natural, not overly done... All the trees look really healthy and happy. Minimalist kind of comes to mind, though you can tell a lot of work has been done to most of them...

Thanks for sharing!

The Larch might be my favorites.. I don't think they grow well here in SC, which is kind of a shame.
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