Repotting Dwarf Jade soil!


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Hi .... so I've neglected repotting my jade over fear of it dying!
I've had her for about 4/5 years so DEFINATLEY due a repot - (please don't come at me for not repotting sooner) it seems to be doing fine,it still creates new leaves and new branches. i just would like it to be abit fuller than it is.
I am nervous about the soil situation - I've read conflicting things! i understand Spring is the best time to repot so this is just my homework!

Can someone please recommend if there is a ready mixed soil suitable please, i am in the UK
i have looked at Westland potting mix but cant seem to find the full ingredients, it says it had Seamis granuels and added wood fibre but that's all i can find.

Anyone's help would be greatly received!
thank you !
Depends upon your stage of development, but in general repotting of jades is not critical as long as the current mix drains well. Some of my larger jades are repotted every 4 to 5 years. I once had a very large jade that was not repotted for over 10 years. A friend of mine has a greenhouse with almost nothing but varieties of larger jade plants, most of which go several years between re-potting.
In any event, potting is best down in the spring or summer for jades.
Spring into summer would probably be the time, so there's plenty of sun to fuel new root growth

As far as substrate, my experience, and what I've read from others, is that they aren't too picky, ports and jades are tough plants. I had one in a half gallon nursery pot of just pumice that wasn't watered for 5 days when I was away this summer with temps over 100 fahrenheit and it did just fine. Would suggest inorganic soil and not a regular potting soil.
Cactus compost as sold in most garden centres in UK would probably suitable
I am curious, what is your cactus compost like? Here in New England at least it's usually just standard peat soil with a bit of extra sand and bark- not great stuff for succulents, despite the marketing.
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