I went to the garden centre today and came back with this Juniperus Chinensis ‘Communis’ which was half price, so of course I couldn’t resist. Also, it has a mix of juvenile and adult foliage and stands about 3 ft tall to the tip. Good learner material, as far as I’m concerned.
On the way home I had been thinking I’ll just straight away remove all juvenile growth, only leaving adult foliage and take it from there. I did realise on closer inspection, however, that quite a lot of what I thought were purely juvenile branches have adult foliage growing at the tips so this has left me unsure how to proceed with regards keeping or removing juvenile growth.
Would anybody please help with clarifying the best course of action? Do I remove all juvenile growth regardless? Keep some on the branches where adult growth has begun to form? Etc etc. Thanks very much.
On the way home I had been thinking I’ll just straight away remove all juvenile growth, only leaving adult foliage and take it from there. I did realise on closer inspection, however, that quite a lot of what I thought were purely juvenile branches have adult foliage growing at the tips so this has left me unsure how to proceed with regards keeping or removing juvenile growth.
Would anybody please help with clarifying the best course of action? Do I remove all juvenile growth regardless? Keep some on the branches where adult growth has begun to form? Etc etc. Thanks very much.