Really new to bonsai. Any suggestions for trees to buy?

Haha guys, I came off for like 45 minutes, and when I come back there are a bazillion replies. I've established that junipers are outside plants and that getting one as a first tree probably isn't the best choice. I've settled on a Chinese Elm, so you guys don't need to keep telling me that junipers won't survive indoors. Maybe in the future, when I'm more experienced, I'll get a juniper. But not now.
Thanks guys for all your great advice.
Well, Chinese elm technically aren't either, but hey, your tree your choice...
junipers are actually the best evergreens to start off with to tell you the truth! :) Get one, see what happens, and have fun. Buy two, keep one outside and one inside, and style both (with beverages on hand) then post pics...I'll read your posts with beverages in hand
I probably missed this, but why can't you grow outdoors?
I can. It's just that I wanted to keep one inside for aesthetic purposes only. What do you guys think the best tree is for beginners? Also, Chinese Elm is considered to be a beginner tree by a lot of people. I'm considering all the trees on this list.

Also, are Japanese Red Maples or tea trees good for beginners?
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Once again Nightfury413 please visit some of the bonsai exhibits there in SCal. I believe it is still there at the San Diego Zoo Park outside of town, check it out. And contact your local club. They will advise on where to obtain trees and supplies and which ones to buy. Best bet is if it grows naturally outside of your door, then you can make it an outdoor bonsai.
If you just want to keep one inside for aesthetic purposes, just get a fake one. Seriously. Don't stress a tree out that you only have because it looks neat. Japanese Red Maples will not survive indoors. Ficus or Schefflera are your best bets. You're making this more difficult than it needs to be.
Once again Nightfury413 please visit some of the bonsai exhibits there in SCal. I believe it is still there at the San Diego Zoo Park outside of town, check it out. And contact your local club. They will advise on where to obtain trees and supplies and which ones to buy. Best bet is if it grows naturally outside of your door, then you can make it an outdoor bonsai.
Where I live in SoCal, the closest bonsai club is pretty far away, and it costs $30 to join. San Diego is a 5 hour drive from my house. And I'm not even 16 yet.
I can. It's just that I wanted to keep one inside for aesthetic purposes only. What do you guys think the best tree is for beginners? Also, Chinese Elm is considered to be a beginner tree by a lot of people. I'm considering all the trees on this list.
BoxwoodAlso, are Japanese Red Maples or tea trees good for beginners?

Dude?!? if this is your reference then use the click over on the same site and get their full
breakdown on species and specs to follow for their "success".
I believe you have gotten beginner trees confused with beginner tree for grown indoors.
None of the species you have enumerated will survive long enough indoors for you to
even get accustomed to their appearance much less their care.
Good luck and
good growing

I think you should construct yourself a nice display area inside, and get some 500-1000$ trees to swap around in it.
Maybe 10-20.

It's not very enjoyable to display anything less really. Imo.

Growing outside, and displaying for short periods indoors is common practice.

I wanna see the elm!


I think you should construct yourself a nice display area inside, and get some 500-1000$ trees to swap around in it.
Maybe 10-20.

It's not very enjoyable to display anything less really. Imo.

Growing outside, and displaying for short periods indoors is common practice.

I wanna see the elm!

Sorce is spot is VERY common to grow trees outside and then keep them indoors for a day or two to display them and enjoy them. This is how many of the bonsai shows across the world display trees. The exhibit areas are often indoors.

One or two days inside will not be bad for the tree, especially if before and after they are outside to gain strength
The original poster is 15 so that option (purchasing a bunch of nicer/expensive trees to swap around) doesn't seem too likely.

Nightfury, are you willing/able to set up some artificial lighting? Simple fluorescent fixtures, for example? That would expand your options quite a bit. Relying on diffused eastern window light is very restrictive in terms of what you can grow successfully.
I mean this with respect BUT when I was your age is when I started getting into bonsai and was very ignorant too. We all have to start somewhere. I'm 30 now and have very old tree's and a bonsai garden. I think your best course is to buy a ficus or schefflera and see how well it you can keep it alive-stay away from junipers or outdoors tree's.

Honestly you also need to think about where you want to go in the world of bonsai-how far the rabbit hole with this interest take you? Some of us it a life style change other a passing interest. Another thing to consider is this is an outdoor hobby-not indoors- I saying this from experience as I have grown many tree's indoors with great success but that's after spending $$$ on indoor light setups. Even then all my tropical go outside in spring through early fall.

Best bet is if you have a little spot in the yard and buy a couple small tree's and do lots and lots of research and see how well you can keep them alive and thriving!
Hey guys, I just got back from the Eastern Leaf nursery with a Chinese Elm that's about 8.5 inches tall and a 9" humidity tray. I'll see if I can get some pics. Also, the foliage on the elm seems kind of sparse compared to pictures of them on their website. I know they take pictures of the best ones, but shouldn't it look at least close? Some small new-looking branches that are really thin are sticking out really far from the tree. Should prune a tree right when I get it? Or the next day maybe? The soil seemed a little dry when I bought it, so I watered it a bit. I keep on saying this, but you guys won't stop telling me; I'll listen to what you guys are saying about keeping it outside and bringing it inside for a day or two. If I keep it inside a little more than outside, would it eventually get used to inside? Is it sort of like breaking in to a shoe for the tree?

And to answer Giga's question, I don't have the time, money, or permission to install lights. It's probably better just to put it outside.

Thanks guys
I started when I was thirteen... Granted I only had three trees but it counts. Two were juniper, both dead. I left them out during winter... So no worries if yours dies!

Chinese elm is a great choice.

You live in a great climate for bonsai; take advantage of that!

I big question is if your parents are supportive of your new hobby. If they are that helps alot because this hobby can get overwhelming. My parents helped me build a bench, put a new hose in, bought me some trees, etc. when I first started.
Hey guys, I just got back from the Eastern Leaf nursery with a Chinese Elm that's about 8.5 inches tall and a 9" humidity tray. I'll see if I can get some pics. Also, the foliage on the elm seems kind of sparse compared to pictures of them on their website. I know they take pictures of the best ones, but shouldn't it look at least close? Some small new-looking branches that are really thin are sticking out really far from the tree. Should prune a tree right when I get it? Or the next day maybe? The soil seemed a little dry when I bought it, so I watered it a bit. I keep on saying this, but you guys won't stop telling me; I'll listen to what you guys are saying about keeping it outside and bringing it inside for a day or two. If I keep it inside a little more than outside, would it eventually get used to inside? Is it sort of like breaking in to a shoe for the tree?

And to answer Giga's question, I don't have the time, money, or permission to install lights. It's probably better just to put it outside.

Thanks guys

Don't prune the tree for a while. Let it settle in to its new home and don't touch it. And yes, outdoors is best. Indoor bonsai doesn't sound like a good fit for you if you don't have the time or money for lighting.

Where do tree grow naturally? Indoors? Or outdoors?

You have an elm. Where do they grow?

It has leaves. Why does it have leaves? To absorb sunlight? Where is that?

Oh yeah, outdoors.

Listen, I started bonsai when I was 16 or 17 years old. My attitude was I didn't know anything, and do what more experienced people told me because they had "been there, done that". I'm 61 years old, so I've "been there, done that".

When we tell you that trees do better outdoors, it's because it's true. With tropicals, they can't tolerate cold temperatures in the winter, so they come inside. But, we have to go to extraordinary lengths to satisfy their light demands.

Put the tree outside. Water it every day. Observe it. Determine how quickly the soil dries out. Watch how it puts out new growth. Are leaves changing color? Why? Or why not. Fertilize it. How does the tree react?

Don't cut on it, just observe it, and keep it alive for a month or two. Take pictures of it as it is now. Take more 7 days. Are there any changes? Do it again every week. At the end of a month, compare the first picture you took to the more recent picture. I think you'll be amazed at the differences.

Does it look better? Or worse? What would make it look better?

If you decide that cutting on it would make it better, then do so. At least you'll know what kind of growth to expect in a month's time.

Bonsai is a marathon, not a sprint.
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