Lars Grimm
Hi All,
I have a nice little ume that has been doing very well until recently. It leafed out in spring and I already did my first cut back. All of a sudden random branches have started to die off. The leaves just suddenly shriveled up and died. They are not clustered on one side or area. In one spot a secondary branch on a main branch died while leaving the others. The rest of the tree is perfectly healthy. I have limited experience with ume and have had this one for two years now without any prior problems. The tree has been getting appropriate water and we have had decent weather. Any ideas?
A front and back view of the tree.
I have a nice little ume that has been doing very well until recently. It leafed out in spring and I already did my first cut back. All of a sudden random branches have started to die off. The leaves just suddenly shriveled up and died. They are not clustered on one side or area. In one spot a secondary branch on a main branch died while leaving the others. The rest of the tree is perfectly healthy. I have limited experience with ume and have had this one for two years now without any prior problems. The tree has been getting appropriate water and we have had decent weather. Any ideas?
A front and back view of the tree.