Rainy Today...

.... and now I'm homesick all over again. I really do miss NOLA food. Heard there was a tropical nothing brewing this week. Hope the winds weren't to bad for your trees!
I'm jealous! Not much for seafood in IL, except for catfish, crappy and bass. Headed to FL in July for our anniversary, looking forward to at least some good shrimp!
What part? Just got back from Tampa/ St. Pete area for my anniversary.
Daytona Beach. The company my husband works for has what was a hotel right on the beach that any employees can stay at for free. Just have to pay to get there. Can't wait. No oceans in the Midwest, lol. Your gumbo has me so ready for some seafood!
Mellow I extend a pinch and a Shakespeare.

Had Gumbo yesterday, tender boneless chicken thighs and hot sausage, with a touch of scorpion pepper
on white rice. And as we spell it --------- ochro.
Was delicious!!!!!
Good eating to you.
Good Day
Mellow I extend a pinch and a Shakespeare.

Had Gumbo yesterday, tender boneless chicken thighs and hot sausage, with a touch of scorpion pepper
on white rice. And as we spell it --------- ochro.
Was delicious!!!!!
Good eating to you.
Good Day

Gotta get me some scorpion pepper... Sounds like a good time in the making.
I wish, I get roughly 3 unpaid vacation days a year and I catch hell when I use 'em. Next job I get, I'm taking a road trip through the south to see what's going on in the bonsai world. Seems like North Carolina is some kind of hub..
@GGB ,

K did the drive from Philadelphia with a classmate, to Lafayette.
He said it was great and when I met up with them in Lafayette, it was a hoot !!
Good Day
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