I have been keeping BRT for over 10 years now and I have never ever heard that they dont like nitrogen and none of the reputable bonsai care sites say anything about them not liking nitrogen.
In fact, if anything, I have heard, seen and experienced the exact opposite. Ive also repotted mine several times and not ever seen a nitrogen fixing nodule on their roots, and I have looked because they are in the legume family. Not all legumes fix nitrogen and I havent seen definitive information anywhere that BRT do, but they might so I wont rule it out. FWIW, they dont make seed pods like many other legumes either but they are still legumes.
There is a gorgeous BRT bonsai owned by Lou Carreiro that he pays NEBG to overwinter for him and he has done workshops on their care at NEBG.
His tree won awards at the National Show when it was presented there. He doesnt say anything about them hating nitrogen.
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Ive also ever hesitated to feed mine year round and never had anything but lots of growth out of them which is not the response you would suspect if they hated nitrogen
So I dont know where this came from but I dont believe its true.
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