Radermachera Sinica China Doll Home Depot Houseplant "bonsai"

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I let myself get this. There just isn't any info on anyone's attempts to make a respectable bonsai with this China Doll type plant. Bought with the classic fake moss and superglued rocks from Home Depot 12/24. Pruned a bit and repotted same week I bought it. It is currently repotted in a mixture of akadama, pumice and a little of the potting soil it came with. Plan is to keep inside for winter and possibly put outside for summer in strong shade. IMG_1013.jpg


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I personally have never seen the prospect of these as bonsai. They seem to be everything you don't want and to pose a constant struggle to train as a bonsai.
Not saying it can't be done, only that I don't see it. Good luck, prove me wrong.
In my opinion, it looks good enough to experiment on.
I’ve tried making bonsai out of other tropical plants I purchased from Home Depot, such as Ming Aralia and Fabian Aralia. Those have since died from inadequate conditions.

I’ve had some success with common kalonchoe.

Anyways, I think it looks cool, I would think it would make a wonderful house plant if left to grow in a larger container and styled along the way!
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