Question about lime sulfer


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Grand Rapids, Michigan
I purchased this small deshojo maple earlier this year. It developed a white powdery mold or fungus on the leaves because of the cold and rain. The tree just dropped its leaves, can I use lime sulfer this early in the cold season or do I need to wait until mid winter to use it?:confused: Thanks ....

The white powdery mold likely was powdery mildew. A peroxide spray (2 tablespoons 3% hydrogen peroxide - std stuff at the pharmacy/grocery - in a quart of water) likely would have nixed it had you done it when it appeared. Now that it is bare, you could spray with 10% lime sulfur or paint it on (diluted at least 1:1), but I doubt that it is really necessary for the health of the tree. It will, however, look more like the classic Japanese maple bonsai.
Don't use lime sulfur for that. Use the formula Osoyoung posted or something like Daconil.
I'm a big believer in dormant season spraying. It will significantly reduce the fungal issues you have during the growing season. Here's a link to a newsletter article I wrote some time ago on the topic. In short, I would use a lime sulfur spray during dormancy and daconil as needed during the growing season. But it's too early for a fungal dormant spray right now. Details are in the article.

I'm a big believer in dormant season spraying. It will significantly reduce the fungal issues you have during the growing season. Here's a link to a newsletter article I wrote some time ago on the topic. In short, I would use a lime sulfur spray during dormancy and daconil as needed during the growing season. But it's too early for a fungal dormant spray right now. Details are in the article.

Thanks Mark for the link to your article. That helped me out a lot also what Dormant oil spray do you use?
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