Quantum Mechanics Coming to Bonsai


Imperial Masterpiece
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Anacortes, WA (AHS heat zone 1)

We also find that the probability distribution of the number of heralds per detected fluorescence photon supports the view that a single photon can upon absorption drive the subsequent energy transfer and fluorescence emission and hence, by extension, the primary charge separation of photosynthesis. An analytical stochastic model and a Monte Carlo numerical model capture the data, further confirming that absorption of single photons is correlated with emission of single photons in a natural light-harvesting complex.

We also find that the probability distribution of the number of heralds per detected fluorescence photon supports the view that a single photon can upon absorption drive the subsequent energy transfer and fluorescence emission and hence, by extension, the primary charge separation of photosynthesis. An analytical stochastic model and a Monte Carlo numerical model capture the data, further confirming that absorption of single photons is correlated with emission of single photons in a natural light-harvesting complex.

So what does this mean practically for horticulture?
So what does this mean practically for horticulture?
So we finally know exactly how many photons we should apply daily for optimal foliar growth in development of conifers, particularly pines and most junipers. Certain tropical species have also been known to be quite photon reliant, likely due to being evolutionarily accustomed to having a more constant intake of photons per unit of photosynthetic mass due to an equatorial natural distribution. Hope this helps.
Oh man. All my photons come from an unheralded source. Therefore, my bonsai don't induce any excitation and are doomed to uncertain decay lifetimes.
Nice, It means to me I can move my at-risk for too much sun trunks (removed too much canopy) to bright shade in august. There will be enough photons bouncing around.
The cheap grow light I first got on Amazon was one of these single photon ones, as little as it did for me besides make me hate the color purple.

Another neat quantum thing is that photosynthesis and respiration both rely on electron tunneling, which is an electron going where it "shouldn't" be able to.
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