Psst.....wacka' willow?

Morning @ LanceMAc10,

really like your effort [ could do without the muppets, they do distract ]

Soil mix ?

Lighting ?

Anything special you would like to note ?

Interesting you have the same pot shape we have.
Good Day
Hey @Anthony, good morning to you as well!! Thanks for the complementary words! I'll dis-regard your view on muppets........:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

coarse river sand, pine bark fines, turface....I had some large grade lava, pumice and akadama I put along the bottom. Some of which managed to "float" to the surface.
I give as much Sun as it can handle...full sun from, say, 8 AM to 5 PM, with a couple hours of dappled sunlight at each end....

Special note? Sure, this things spends 8-9 months indoors....
March 3, '14, "ready" to go outside.....:(

Dec 20, '14...




Goodwill to you and K......;)
We had our Cleveland Bonsai Club meeting on Saturday. A fellow member brought in a 10 year old Ficus burtt-davyi that had similar fruit on it as well. Fascinating to see! I was fortunate enough to get a few clippings when he trimmed it, so hopefully I'll have small figs to make cookies with too ;)
I had a burt for a few years.....they are a fig machine!! Had to keep cutting them off, just too many!! Good tree for "bonsai", good luck with your cuttings!!!!:)
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