Propagation of a cherry tree best method


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
Air layering...or rooting a cutting? Which have you tried and had the best success with?

I gather from what I've read...air layering is the best method. Just curious what others found to work for them.
I've seen people layer large branches from cherry trees with success, which would save you many growing seasons, you stand a much better chance of getting roots on a layer.
Note that any plant that can be propagated by cutting can also be propagated by layering...vice-versa is NOT always true.

Air layering is safer but at the expense of the mother plant. :) You have we gauge if the part you are saving is worth the impact to the mother plant.

I usually just concentrate on the main tree and prune. Then try to save some of the trimming by sticking them to the ground, if they take, great...if not, no loss to me either.
Note that any plant that can be propagated by cutting can also be propagated by layering...vice-versa is NOT always true.

Air layering is safer but at the expense of the mother plant. :) You have we gauge if the part you are saving is worth the impact to the mother plant.

I usually just concentrate on the main tree and prune. Then try to save some of the trimming by sticking them to the ground, if they take, great...if not, no loss to me either.

Dario...that makes sense. Never thought of that. Thanks for the heads up!
I'm thankful for the question and answers above. I'm thinking about trying this on wood that's about 3 years old of apricot and plum. Sometime this month perhaps.
I had success on cherry. It was on a 1 1/2" branch right below a fork. I used the ring bark method along with sphagnum moss wrapped in plastic with no hormone. I started it in mid April. Make sure the wrap is tight. Any airgap between callus tissue and medium can cause failure.

Good luck.
Now that winter is nearly over, you could wait until new grow becomes available for softwood cuttings. I would take a dozen cuttings each week once they're available and throw them in a mist/fog propagator, or just a plastic covered flat. If any of them take, note which week they were taken for next year's records.
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