Hello so I got this juniper from a friend of a friend who is getting out of bonsai (bought a bunch of super cheap training pots from her and the juniper and an elm came with) and I've had it for about a month and a half now. It was in partial shade and had been missed being watered so all I have done is water it and let it get some sun. Now it is pushing quite a bit of new growth all over the place and I wanted some other opinions on the tree itself now that I'm fairly sure it will survive. It is still a bit pale, but the color has improved quite a bit since I have had it. Overall I kinda like the tree, the foilage is pretty dense to the branches but...it is in this weird... attempt at a cascade style..but its got all kinds of random branches. Some crossing, some backwards, some sticking out randomly from others....I don't really want to do much with the tree since it is still recovering but I keep looking at it and wondering where i will go with it in the future. I know it wont ever be anything super fancy...but while I am still learning I like to look at anything as experience! Thanks in advance for any input!