Pond baskets, Nebari, and Fast Growth


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St. Louis, MO
Hello! I want to develop my trees quickly, so I have them in large pond baskets. I also want to develop the nebari but the pond baskets are deep and large so I can grow the trunk. What can I do to develop the nebari in the baskets at the same time as the trunks? Thanks in advance for your help!
You could plant over stones or tiles and then put the whole thing in a pond basket?

Also, just reducing the downward roots and combing out the rest laterally during spring repotting every couple of years (depends on species) will definitely get you on the right track.
Deeper pots are no problem to developing nebari. Nebari and trunk buttress development is all about getting the tree to rely more on lateral roots. Strong growing laterals for teh nebari. They also draw out the base of the tree to increase lower trunk thickness and flare. Shallow containers or the often inappropriately used tile is one way to force more laterals but good root pruning works just as well and often even better. Ruthlessly remove all downward roots to encourage laterals and the rest will naturally follow.
Deeper pots are no problem to developing nebari. Nebari and trunk buttress development is all about getting the tree to rely more on lateral roots. Strong growing laterals for teh nebari. They also draw out the base of the tree to increase lower trunk thickness and flare. Shallow containers or the often inappropriately used tile is one way to force more laterals but good root pruning works just as well and often even better. Ruthlessly remove all downward roots to encourage laterals and the rest will naturally follow.
Ah ok, thanks for the clarification!
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