Podocarpus leaves have been slowly turning yellow and then brown for a good 2 months now


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Hannover, Germany
Hello :)

my podocarpus has been sadly doing quite dreadfully for the past months. its' leaves have been turning yellow and then brown. I have been fertilizing it regularly (once a week) with a 6:6:6 fertilizer and watering it not too much! (every three days) but I seem to not be able to stop this. I have lost hope a bit but would still appreciate some thoughts and comments about why this is happening.. the other questions is also, if it is has an iron deficiency. I have already given it some magnesium but it didn't have any effect.. Any idea?

All the best,

Is this being kept inside? I have not been able to keep a pod inside and have no other choice in zone 6. However, many pods do well in zone 8 outside, you you probably know my reply.
I Keep it inside only in the winter times because it does get to -22 degrees sometimes at night... so basically 3 months inside and the rest outside.. this development happened while the tree was outside.. not sure what's happening quite frankly.. it's also a very slow change, started with yellowing of the leaves and progressed to this
I don't have a podocarpus, but it looks like it may be a soil issue (i.e. root rot). What kind of soil is it in? The fact that this started outside would rule out many of the factors that kill trees indoors (low humidity, lack of light, etc.). If your soil is holding too much water, water the tree less and try to aerate the soil with a chopstick to get more air into the root ball. You can also tilt the pot after watering to help it drain.
It does look like a root issue. With my limited podocarpus experience I would say the plant is already dead and is just hanging onto a few leaves. You really waited a bit too long to ask for help IMO.
Hello :) thank you for the replies and comments.. yes I also think the plant is dead.. I am only trying to figure out why. If it is root rot, then why did it take so long? and why do the leaves turn yellow and then eventually brown? would you definitely rule out iron deficiency? or should a 6:6:6 fertilizer be enough for all intents and purposes?
Hello :) thank you for the replies and comments.. yes I also think the plant is dead.. I am only trying to figure out why. If it is root rot, then why did it take so long? and why do the leaves turn yellow and then eventually brown? would you definitely rule out iron deficiency? or should a 6:6:6 fertilizer be enough for all intents and purposes?
This has happened to THREE in a row for me. It’s the only plant I can’t keep alive indoor and I live in SF where i get fog that increases my rooms humidity. I did lose a couple Serissa too … but I went on extended vacation and roomate did something wrong.
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