Hello, for my 18th birthday my nana got me a bonsai so that i would have something sentimental to remember this moment and her by. Originally my bonsai grew very well and within a couple months it had grown exponentially, so i pruned it back to its original shape. Now, in late august, around 4 months after i got it in April, something has changed with the health of my bonsai, for the worse.
I have attached pictures of the before and after (they are taken outside for clarity but my bonsai is kept indoors) but are unsure how much you can see in them, so let me explain.
My bonsai is a Chinese sweet plum. The soil has started growing a layer of bluish whitish.. something that does not look to me like it is growing up the tree, apart from one patch at the base that looks like it has something powdery and white on it. The leaves started going yellow with darkish bits but this is happening less now with only a few at this time. They also dropped off frequently. As you can hopefully see in the pictures there are some healthy leaves but there is a larger number of green leaves that have paled a bit and curled and gone crispy.
I am thinking something along the lines of over watering but am unsure as to how this happened when i was very conscious of this could happen. In the beginning I watered a bit every day or so as the soil would dry out in that time, and what i read online and in books said that the soil should be kept damp. However now my bonsai can take up to a week to absorb the water it could before in a day or so, which makes my worried about damage to roots.
I live in England so the seasons have been warm, and getting warmer, so it couldn't be it doing something for winter.
Any ideas on whats wrong and how to fix it would be very much appreciated as this bonsai is important to me.
Thank you for reading I know i went on a bit.
I have attached pictures of the before and after (they are taken outside for clarity but my bonsai is kept indoors) but are unsure how much you can see in them, so let me explain.
My bonsai is a Chinese sweet plum. The soil has started growing a layer of bluish whitish.. something that does not look to me like it is growing up the tree, apart from one patch at the base that looks like it has something powdery and white on it. The leaves started going yellow with darkish bits but this is happening less now with only a few at this time. They also dropped off frequently. As you can hopefully see in the pictures there are some healthy leaves but there is a larger number of green leaves that have paled a bit and curled and gone crispy.
I am thinking something along the lines of over watering but am unsure as to how this happened when i was very conscious of this could happen. In the beginning I watered a bit every day or so as the soil would dry out in that time, and what i read online and in books said that the soil should be kept damp. However now my bonsai can take up to a week to absorb the water it could before in a day or so, which makes my worried about damage to roots.
I live in England so the seasons have been warm, and getting warmer, so it couldn't be it doing something for winter.
Any ideas on whats wrong and how to fix it would be very much appreciated as this bonsai is important to me.
Thank you for reading I know i went on a bit.
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