Please Help Juniper Browning

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I have a very bad case of Spider Mites. I have tried to kill them - I used Capt Jack. It hasnt been successful.

My Mom kept this tree in her patio it was attacked by Squirrels. I moved it to a patio away from the squirrels and it started to turn brown. Its in Los Angeles - weve had a fairly wet year.

What do I do? If the soil is wet I dont water it. I havent repotted it. Weve had the tree for about three years.

PLEASE HELP. Can I save my tree? Thank You!!
Looks like normal interior die back, yet do see some areas with mite damage.

Capetian Jacks dead bug brew has a reputation as not being as strong as some mitacides. It’s often recommended to spray the affected tree thoroughly several times over a period of two weeks for spider mites.

Is there a covered area one can put the juniper under when it rains, or to dry out?

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Many insecticides won't affect mites. A mixture of two parts rubbing alcohol and one part water sprayed all over works well for me on all my plants. I keep them in the shade when spraying anything on the foliage.
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