Please help ID


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Taichung, Taiwan
I bought this plant a little over a year ago. It's a fun little plant but I cannot seem to ID it.
I have not exhausted the internet but I have searched long enough to realize the wealth of knowledge here make searching for more info online easier and quicker.

It could be a vine and the leaves get big.
Grey smooth bark with irregular raised bumps.
Heart-shaped leaves with serrated edges.
Shoots are a light brownish red when sprouting.

DSC07651.JPG DSC07652.JPG
Leaves look like it could be a climbing hydrangea or it's close cousin schizophragma. But they should have kind of shaggy exfoliating bark. But just saw you are in Taiwan so I have no idea... cool tree though!
Pretty cool looking leaf and tree!
Maybe a Red Mulberry?
I actually looked art that exact species earlier. But it does not seem to bear fruit ( at least not yet) and leaves retain their heart shape even when larger.

Leaves look like it could be a climbing hydrangea or it's close cousin schizophragma. But they should have kind of shaggy exfoliating bark. But just saw you are in Taiwan so I have no idea... cool tree though!
Yeah the bark is different as are the leaf shapes when older.

Have you ever seen any flowers?
Not yet. I have had it two growing seasons now and not yet.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.
It looks like American Basswood to me... But then again what the hell do I know :p:p
It looks like American Basswood to me... But then again what the hell do I know :p:p
A lot more than you did but less than you.

You asked.
Ha. Close but no cigar.

Some sort of hibiscus maybe.
You my man seem to have hit the hibiscus on the head. I Googled hibiscus heart leaves and immediately saw one that looks strikingly similar - Hibiscus tiliaceus or sea hibiscus. Now I will go down that hole for a while.
I am going to let this one grow out a little more than I usually do to see what it does. Perhaps a flower or something can help ID 100%. Although I am pretty sure of the hibiscus ID as it is a popular bonsai species here in Taiwan.
just seeing this thread for the first time. I grow morus rubra (red mulberry) as bonsai and mine don't look like this. I suppose a subspecies or mutation is very possible but I would look elsewhere for an ID.
Knowing that you are from Taiwan I can pretty much rule out red mulberry. They are not only somewhat rare as bonsai but rare as plants (at least in PA) where they are native. If it were mulberry at all it would most likely be white m. alba
Changed pots as this plant grows fast and all the time.

I let it grow out but it did not flower. May have been timing. But it was growing so large I was going to mess with the shape of the tree if I let it grow anymore so cut it

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