Does anyone have experience with this pine? Specifically if it backbuds on old wood. It's a two needle pine at our local nursery and is very nice material but leggy.
I'm not sure if this helps but it seems to be some sort of lodgepole pine.
Thanks, what regime do you follow?Pinus contorta, contorta is a favorite tree for many of us in the PNW and they do back bud. As its a two needle pine I do not follow the white pine general rules that osoyoung has suggested.
Cheers G
Thanks, what regime do you follow?
The basic principles for 2 needles pines, however there is a lot of confusion out there on this so I recommend a couple of great recent posts on this subject that can be found here;
So good to see the Spaan's dwarf show up here. I picked one up yesterday and the tag says dwarf shore pine. Only apparently grows to 4'. Terribly expensive! They sell in one of my better nurseries for $100. Lol when they suddenly had a 75% off conifer sale I couldn't resist. Now to figure out what to do with itDevelopment logs of my Spaans' Dwarf:
It has also been a bit leggy. I've completed my first partial growing season with it.