Pine Bonsai


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I got gifted a ‘grow your own bonsai’ set for Christmas. I know that they’re pine and so far 3 out of the 4 seeds have been growing just fine. However I’m confused as to why they don’t really have roots? And what’s the best why to identify which type of pine they are?
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Bonsai trees don't sprout from seeds, seedlings do.....roots need time to develop.

Where are you keeping them?....pines should be outdoors.

Also, add your location to your profile so others can give better info, suited to you're climate zone.
If they weren’t seeds then what are they?
It’s been raining a lot so I’m keeping them in my bathroom, it’s the coldest place in the house. I don’t fancy giving my location to strangers on the internet
If they weren’t seeds then what are they?
It’s been raining a lot so I’m keeping them in my bathroom, it’s the coldest place in the house. I don’t fancy giving my location to strangers on the internet

just wing it was asking your location to get a better idea of your climate. If you know what zone you are in that info would be helpful in your profile so more accurate advice can be provided. he is right that pines should be outside. Pics would be helpful to identify what you have.
If they weren’t seeds then what are they?
It’s been raining a lot so I’m keeping them in my bathroom, it’s the coldest place in the house. I don’t fancy giving my location to strangers on the internet
We're not asking for an address. A country would be useful, since the climate you're in is critical to giving you advice. What works for a tree in Hong Kong could kill it in Pennsylvania...
Since when did I ask about how to grow them? I asked why they don’t have roots yet and how to identify. Nothing to do with climate is it?
Welcome to Crazy!

Here is the phenomenon that has been getting me in trouble.

Bonsai trees don't sprout from seeds, seedlings do.....roots need time to develop.

You see how when one already has an idea of what something is, something else changes ridiculously?

If they weren’t seeds then what are they?

Assumptions in negative space.

Nothing against you @Hanwest29 ! Just funny that when it's not about soil no one gets all sad!

If you are growing a tropical tree outdoors in the Arctic, it will die before you see roots!

Well if they aren’t seeds then seriously what are they? My imagination? And I’ve already said they’re in my bathroom because it’s been raining constantly. Still don’t see where I asked about that though
Since when did I ask about how to grow them? I asked why they don’t have roots yet and how to identify. Nothing to do with climate is it?
You asked some questions and people are trying to help you by asking follow up questions that are important and will help you moving forward. If you don't like the answers, you could always trying googling pine seedlings rather than taking all this time to create a profile on a bonsai forum.
When you say, “not really growing any roots”
What do you mean? How do you know?
You say 3 of 4 are growing fine. What are you seeing? Pics!
When you say, “not really growing any roots”
What do you mean? How do you know?
You say 3 of 4 are growing fine. What are you seeing? Pics!
Maybe the 4th was plucked and died? OP saw one single root and wondered why there weren't more?

Singular before plural. One day you'll have a complete story.
Providing details of your climate, outdoors, is going to allow for better answers about your plant... the questions about being inside were asked because needly trees (along with alooooot of others) do NOT thrive indoors, and better help could be offered if we had that piece of info.

I’ll just take a swing at your questions as they lay. :)

.. However I’m confused as to why they don’t really have roots? And what’s the best why to identify which type of pine they are?

From my experience, pines root systems develop methodically over time. THIS could explain the slower root growth if NOT climate or location.

For identification, we would need to see an image of the aforementioned seedling. Or you could look into specific identification parameters for species.. and start counting needles and examining petioles... That’s what I would do anyways.. just to be sure.
Welcome to the forum.

Location is helpful for any advice here. If you don't want to share your exact state, you can find your USDA plant zone here (if you are in the USA)
Just tell people your plant zone and we can help more.

Pics of any tree you have a question about helps as well. So many issues have some of the same symptoms when described, but we have people here that can pick up a ton of nuance to your issues just by seeing a picture.

As far as your initial questions - when a plant grows from a seed, that plant has everything it needs to get started right inside that seed. Depending on how long they have been growing, your plants may still be in this seedling phase. With pines, it will be a small growth of needles, then you'll see the second set of "real" needles growing in - which should be accompanied by some root growth.

It's smart to protect them early from excessive rain, but remember that most pine species need to be out in full sun, so you may be moving that tray in and out of the house until your weather dries out - too little sun and your seedlings will die.

Once they've grown out for a bit and have multiple sets of needles, you can begin trying to identify by counting the needles in each of the sheaths and matching with species. If it's a grow your own kit then your seeds were most likely Japanese black or red pine. Possible Japanese white pine.

Hope that helps.
i'm guessing he is in UK.
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